Dang eyes hurt!! Somewhere I read about changing the 'queue' size to help with so many discards. Can anybody help? Ideas about a good resize number and the file that needs to be edited?
Thank you ever so much.
When something goes wrong, or so I don't have to log into luci, I just run cgminer in ssh. Once you kill the cgminer that's already running, you can just start it up again in the shell. Once you have it started, that's the cgminer the web interface will monitor and that's what the cron job will take care of if something happens. If I didn't leave a computer on, I'd just run the miner to screen session or just a file my router. That way you can see everything that happens and test things too. While you are looking for the stuff to edit on the miner, test things out simply.
Here's my line for a 250 overclock:
cgminer --bitmain-options 115200:32:8:16:250:0982 -o pool1 -O user:pass -o pool2 -O user:pass -o pool3 -O user:pass --api-listen --api-network --bitmain-checkn2diff --bitmain-hwerror --queue 4096
See the queue at the end? Edit that and test things. As a bonus, if you want to list more pools than 3, just keep adding them in the command-line. You'll want to copy and paste your line.
If and when you are ready, either add a new config item in the /etc/config/cgminer file for queue size, then change the static entry in /etc/init.d/cgminer (along with a config_get) to the variable one. Or just edit the init.d file with the queue size you want. Yep, I leave the easy way last.
Ya would. Such a d***. lol I'm kidding,.. of course. Jeez...I do love a person with humor. Ya put me thru all the blah, blah, which I have no clue about, then... Did get a chuckle tho. Ok..I get that I want to edit the init.d, but, I'm not a pro and can't find the d*** thing. Plus, not great with puTTy or code. Sure could use a hand and not clues. Comon. ..I wanna play...not work. How 'bout it? Help an ol' man out. BTW...thanks. (first things first). do ya run cgminer in ssh and is that upgradeable? with no computer?..load into the router? FASCINATING! Hmmmm... Could be interesting,..wanna know about the init first.
Thank you
Well, I know enough linux to make what I said child's play, so here's a few things to know:
cd /etc - will get you in the etc dir for example
ls - gets a list out of the files and dirs (I like 'ls -la' for more detail)
ps w - lists all processes
kill [pid of cgminer] - kills the running program as seen in ps
Here's the relevant entry that ps showed me: 1169 root 49812 S < cgminer --bitmain-options 115200:32:8:16:250:0982 -o stratum...
It's pid is that first number or 1169 in this case.
cat [file] - types out the file you specify
vi - see the first post in this thread. 'i' starts edit mode, Esc will stop edit mode, 'ZZ' will save and exit when not in edit mode.
The miner on the latest update uses BusyBox v1.19.4. You could use that as a starting point to learn more what the linux on the machine can do.
If you only play with the cgminer files, you can only mess up that program running. So I'd suggest putting a # in front of lines that you will be editing, then copy the line in a new line with your changes. Or remember what you did--seems to make the most sense as you are worried about the queue.
I gave you the line to run cgminer in ssh already. You would just need to replace the pools and user:pass with real info.
If you add the patched cgminer, like from nicehash, you could run either version, as long as you renamed the original first. Other than that patch, the newer versions offer no additional speed benefits to a S3.
When summer rates kick in or it gets too hot, I'll probably have the main computer sleep or hibernate. In that case, the router will always be on, so I ssh to that from my phone, and then I use a script that just basically has the command line in it. The router is flashed with a version of Tomato, so that makes it a useful linux box. I use flash drives or a hard disk with it depending on how much storage it needs for what I need it to do.