I'm looking at this as "100 GH/s for less than 40 BTC" and am seriously thinking of pulling the trigger. Have an inquiry in with one of the resellers.
yeah I hear ya, its one of the best deals out there atm and u can get the HW within a week or so...hopefully!
Theres a chance of it actually making ROI....
No, there is no chance.
Next difficulty will be over 100mm, and who knows what the one after that will be. 200mm?
So, yes, go ahead and buy. If you live at home, in a dorm,or use your employers resources, you'll see some coins come in. But at this point it's all dead money. In not too much longer the bitcoin experiment is going to wind up showing conclusively why central authorities are valuable for economies.
With the fed, sure, money gets printed. But everyone knows how much there is and trusts that the fed wont be irresponsible and dump too many dollars on the market at once. In bitcoin land, yes, we all know how many coins are in circulation. But all the ASIC vendors are displaying zero responsibility towards the network. You can't bash the fed for printing dollars and cheer the waterfall of Asics hurting the market; it's the same process, except one is charged with trying to promote stability and the others are all driven by short term profits, the effects of all those chips hitting the network be damned
Again, I'd love someone to change my mind, but its becoming more and more clear by the day that this experiment is on the. Edge of failing.