Pickup is in bulk to get you reasonable prices, give the man a break.
Dogie to be sure I appreciate your work and opinion, due to this I did MUCH more then "give him a break". In fact I gave him 9.7083 BTC, so please spare me your wrath
Friedcat thank you for the clarity, I was/am disappointed my order was overlooked and missed "the boat" last week.
Grow the fuck up.
Ah, well then an attack. I guess I get to defend my use of such strong language like "slighted", I am sure if I articulate just what I experienced in this process you will find my use of the word appropriate if not logical.
I like several of you spent several thousands of dollars to participate in the "early" distribution. Unlike those who ordered after me, my 9.7083 BTC worth of gear DID NOT ship and will not ship for several more days. I wrote several PM to phasebird, emailed a few times to sales@ over the course of 4 days. NOT A SINGLE RESPONSE!!
So I download QQ, create user, add phasebird, and message.. BAMM response, "oops how did that get missed", "checking into it" and a few hours later DHL tracking. OK they missed me, but hey they are on it now... oh no I will not ship until end of week, because your process is sloppy and my order fell thru the cracks.. I miss out on 7+ days of 8+ TH/s and this does not constitute an adjustment to atone for a mistake...
I was slighted, I feel slighted now, and because my order will be on the dock for several more days I will continue to feel slighted for sometime to come. I wanted to add my experience in the hope that friedcat would shore up his process. Now that I am aware that it is not wanted or childish to point out a failing or disservice I will be sure to look for a more childish location to focus my BUSINESS!!
FYI Finksy the asshole you see every morning in the mirror, yep it is you.