Powering: 1-2 6pin PCI-E plugs per hashing unit.
A full set of device consists of: 4 hashing Units
So: What PSU do you recommend for this puppy ??
Is there even one with 8 PCI-e ?
Do the PCI-e in CHAIN count for 2 ?
Thanks! But still; I need a PSU with at least 4 PCI-e. Which one?
Also: Does the 1 cable wit 2 PCI-e count as 2 REAL connectors ? Becaus the'r in chain though ...
a cheap psu is a no go. here is a good one.
has power to spare it is 189 and here is a rebate form.
20 off you are at 169. has six cables power to spare. has a magic psu short plug not a paperclip.
my guess is this will do the trick, not that dogie's rm1000 is bad. but price is equal and these have been studs for lots of miners..
if you can beat the price with the rm1000 it will work fine.