If you think I am trolling, or getting angry, you're wrong on both counts. I am seeking the truth of the matter. If you weren't there to check these people's credentials, you can't personally vouch for them. Do you at least recognize anyone in the pictures?
No man, not you. You are to reasonable to be a crackpot. I just find it silly to see how many people actually think the government is behind things like school shootings. How do they think this goes down.
-Firehouse tones....
-Unit 24, unit 36. Please respond to the elementary school and shoot some children. This will be a standard false flag op.
-Rodger that, Units 24, 36. Time out 3:12pm
I think it might go something more like this:
real emergency responders are all told that there's going to be an exercise, and to ignore any 911 calls, because it's going to be very realistic, and some civilians might get panicked. they might also be told that they have their own emergency crew, just in case something happens.
The "exercise" is cover for a false flag, with paid actors portraying everything from nearby spectators, to victims, and most importantly, emergency responders.
All of the real emergency responders tell any people who call that it was just an exercise, and rationalize that the emergency team that the exercise people had handled the "actual" bombing that coincidentally occurred during the "exercise."
Of course, an operation like this would leak like a sieve, unless it were entirely self-contained and staffed entirely by true believers, people who would do anything for the cause. (this, then would explain why we keep seeing the same faces)
Do I believe this is the explanation? No, not really. But it's plausible enough for Hollywood.