I agree, the incident was just a coincidence and it has nothing to do with his upcoming fight or his previous promoter. Also, Casimero shouldn't worry about that for now nor let that issue distract him in his preparation against Paul Butler. Anyways, if he is really innocent then there's nothing to worry about.
I have not read an update about that lawsuit on Casimero but I think that is taken care of because they have not spoken a word about that case on their vlogs.
Or maybe his lawyer has advised him not to talk about it on public as it might derail the case.
I think it will still be Casimero that he will be fighting, not sure why he is asking MP though, I thought that Casimero has change manager already. He has been offered Agbeko as a first replacement but he didn't take the bait. I don't think he will again if Casimero can't make it again on their fight.