I lost 28 ETH from MyEtherWallet (by a stupid mistake myself) and was tracking them since.
Tonight they ended up on this wallet: https://etherscan.io/address/0x41d57e163b6c64fca2cd6535fcaa199b1fedd98b
... which seems to be the same final destination of the funds that were stolen in the BTC-e hack? (through this wallet: https://etherscan.io/address/0xc40ea11924656f2a68a00280526433cff5bd0058)
Was the official BTC-e - Wallet this one? https://etherscan.io/address/0x91337a300e0361bddb2e377dd4e88ccb7796663d
seems like:
So can I conclude, that my assets are in the same hands as those from the BTC-e - hack?
update: I think the final destination of my funds is the same as for all those of the BTC-e - hack !?
BTC-e - wallet (I think): https://etherscan.io/address/0x91337a300e0361bddb2e377dd4e88ccb7796663d
Sent to https://etherscan.io/address/0xc40ea11924656f2a68a00280526433cff5bd0058
Sent to https://etherscan.io/address/0x41d57e163b6c64fca2cd6535fcaa199b1fedd98b
So far so right, or?!
So this means, if - whoever - will find the BTC-e - hackers I will know who is holding my funds, too?!
Do you know anything I could do with this information?
Kind regards