using bureaucratic agencies to exact your vengeance.
Correction: Using bureaucratic agencies to shed light on a company that openly has contempt for it's customers, fires those customers after they've endured one delay after another, one broken promise after another, more taunting and unprofessionalism from an officer of the company, after calling them out on it in a public forum. This is not normal behavior to see from a product developer. I don't know what country you live in, or what other companies you have dealt with that treated you similarly, and think it's OK.
In retrospect, I should indeed have taken a refund. Captain Hindsight and so on and so forth.
Pre-orders are a risky business. They're fraught with delays. Anybody who buys into a pre-order with pre-conceived notions other than "I'll get this eventually, and be among the first to get it, when they FINALLY come" needs to reevaluate their participation in pre-orders.
I've personally handled group buys/preorders in the past as well. I refuse to do them anymore, because something ALWAYS happens, and you end up 'breaking promises' due to circumstances beyond your control. When pre-orders have been delayed in the past, I've offered people the option to obtain refunds. The people who didn't want to wait anymore took the refunds. Some took refunds faster than others, some waited longer than others, but every single one of them had the common sense to recognize that the ball was in THEIR court. If they chose to continue to wait, then that choice was on THEM, not on me. If people had started trashing me, I'd have refunded their pre-order money as well. In the end, the reasonable people all walked away no worse for the wear. The people who waited got their product eventually. The people who didn't, got their money.
And people have BEGGED me to run similar pre-orders since. But I don't do it anymore, even though 99.9% of the people involved were reasonable throughout the whole thing. I think the majority of BFL buyers are the same way (reasonable, that is), but the vocal majority sure to make it suck for everybody else.
Bureaucratic agencies aren't there to repair hurt feelings, or to punish companies for saying things that strike you as 'unprofessional'. They're there to address cases of ACTUAL fraud, which you've admitted you don't believe is the case. Hence, your behavior and decision to waste the time of those agencies is childish and petty, and worthy of nothing but scorn and contempt.
But keep digging, I guess...
Too bad you're not BFL. You're just some random joe blow on a forum, you're not a professional company, which is what BFL is aspiring to be. There's the difference.
In your world, customers would never complain about BFL and just sit there for another year, am I right?