The point is the principle of the thing, if you act like a douche, companies may decide you're not worth doing business with. The names of the players involved is immaterial.
Well, lets be a little bit more accurate with that assessment.
Josh Zerlan / Inaba, their COO, was acting like a complete douche here on the forums.
I just called him on it, and obviously struck a strong nerve.
So who is the bigger douche here ?
Newtons third law can be a bitch sometimes
IF that were the case, this discussion wouldn't be happening. This isn't about 1-2 interactions where you lost your cool, or called somebody out. It's about a PATTERN where the majority of your recent posts on the forum have been trashing the company. I'm inclined to believe your blacklisting has FAR more to do with that pattern, than any isolated incident, such as telling the COO to eat a bag of dicks. You're clearly beyond seeing the distinction between losing ones cool, and a pattern of defamatory behavior. Ipso facto, 'Here sitteth thou, in the seat of the scornful.'
Newton's 3rd law, indeed.
![Roll Eyes](
LMAO, conspiracy theories abound!
Yup, you caught me. I'm A BFL shill account who bought 100 Avalon Chips and is getting in on the Klondike project, just to throw you off my trail.
Or maybe, I just don't automatically jump into the hive mentality and tribalism that you primitive fucking lunatics all seem to be so wont to wrap yourselves in. Same kind of retards who get into brawls over your favorite sports teams.
BFL isn't perfect, they've missed targets several times. Avalon isn't perfect, ASICMiner isn't perfect. But I'm not involved in any of those companies, except to have ordered products from two of them, so this 'pick a team and fight for them' mentality is retarded. I don't have a 'side'. I'm in the game to try and make some money. Putting all your eggs in one basket (be it avalon, BFL, or anybody else) is foolish, IMHO.
I'd be offering a similar response if somebody had let their mouths run them out of Avalon or ASICMiner as well. But those companies aren't the 'hip' ones to troll on this forum, so all of the lemmings here think that if they want to be a 'cool kid' they have to trash BFL.
Fine. Say and do what you want, trash whoever you want. Just don't come crying when the companies you're trashing kick your ass to the curb.
Make up shit, forge order documentation and post false shipping manifests. Just don't come crying if/when you get your ass sued for libel/defamation.
Notice all of the immature insults you so easily throw around. Anybody that disagrees with you is a "troll" or "retard". I find it hilarious that you claim the BFL hate found here is motivated by the desire to be a "hip cool kid". You really can't imagine people are motivated by the misleading updates, lies, and extreme delays? Nope, it's because it's cool to troll BFL and what a hero you are for calling them out!
I don't "have a side" either and originally had pre-orders with both BFL and Bitsyncom. I've questioned the many things that don't add up with Bitsyncom and have been critical of their delays as well without any fear of retribution from Yufi. The fact is that they are handling themselves very differently than BFL which is the reason the response from customers and critics are very different. It has nothing to do with what's hip or cool...
You're mischaracterizing my point (shocking). Never have I said that frustration isn't warranted. I've never absolved BFL of any wrongdoing. And I've never said that BFL and their reps haven't contributed to some of the frustration. Most of the time, however, that I've seen Josh lash out is toward trolls who come out of the gate swinging. Not toward people who can frame their questions and opinions in a respectful manner.
There are plenty of threads addressing the real or imagined wrongs of BFL. This one is regarding the imagined wrong of BFL canceling the orders of a proven troll. Not about shipping delays, project management, etc.
Never have I said that the OPs frustration wasn't warranted or valid either (in fact, I've said more than once that it WAS). His feelings/emotions aren't what's being called into question here. Feelings/emotions are COMPLETELY separate from BEHAVIORS.
It's not his feelings that got him banned, it was his BEHAVIOR that got him banned. He poked the bear, and the bear didn't react. He poked the bear again, and it growled. Then he poked, and poked, and poked, and poked, and poked, and poked, and poked, and poked, and poked, and poked, and poked, then then acted surprised and hurt when the bear ran him out the cave.
Are you people REALLY so clueless as to not be able to differentiate being emotional and frustrated, from being a troll? I didn't say that anybody who disagrees with me is a troll or an idiot. All I did was point out that the people who ARE trolls, are acting like trolls (OP included), and shouldn't expect to behave however they want with impunity.
The people who are incapable of/unwilling to see the distinction between the many frustrated customers who have grown impatient, from the people who have decided to start dedicating a significant effort to dragging the company through the mud... THOSE who can't understand that distinction (yeah, this includes you) ARE IDIOTS. Period. Full Stop. End of story.