Normally Gambling is not something that will just affect some one relationship mostly well managed, but what can cause that is being addicted to it when you're gambling non stop to cover your losses really fast and end losing more in that process can lead to financial difficulties, mostly when you start using your hard earn cashes when supposed to be using cashes you risk. That may also lead mental break down and anger issues affecting your partner.
Gambling can affect the relationship whether it is well managed or not, that is if either of the party didn't like it and it was never shown before the relationship or marriage began. Some character can be hidden during the beginning of a relationship and they start displaying them when it has gone into the relationship. If the other party later discover especially if the question about such character was asked and it was denied.
For example pertaining to gambling, some ladies don't like their men to gamble for their own reasons, like such women usually feel it is wasting of money. So if the man deny being a gambler in the initial stage and later start displaying it, it can cause problem.
That would be annoying to anybody, and sound like a deceit to most women. It's important to inform her about our gambling habit, same applies to a woman who gambles. Most men wouldn't be comfortable marrying a gambler because it could look like she's irresponsible and may not be able to stop. So, while the situation would differ from one person to another, it's safe to say that some people don't care if their spouse gambles, provided he's doing the right thing. On the contrary, the society has painted the gambling niche with a negative review and it's affecting lots of gamblers who are married. In that case, if a gambler doesn't inform his spouse about his gambling habit, he should be safe by hiding all his gambling activities. One would say for how long would that continue, before she finds out. Well, we'd always talk to gamblers about the importance of self-discipline in such a situation. It's better to conceal the information than to have gambling cause a problem in the marriage. Gambling addiction can erupt out of marriage problems or divorce, as the high rate of divorce is circulating in society. Only a few people want to remain in a marriage. Hence they're only looking out for a small problem, to file for the divorce. These challenges can cause a mental disorder to both spouses, but the gambler would suffer more losses. As he'd be vulnerable to addiction. Moving forward, nobody would want to tie the knot with a divorced gambling addict. Life could happen to the gambler, and things begin to fall apart. Like in a thread where the gambler, asks about loneliness as an enforcer of gambling addiction, if a gambler begins to feel rejected in society, he won't be able to think straight. Thereby, making multiple gambling mistakes. In a nutshell, I'd say that the player should keep hiding it when married, the same way he did during courtship.