However, one thing remains constant and never changes and that is the name of our local champion, right?
I sure hope that doesn't change as he is a crucial part of our board.
Makes sense. Our Polish board has one of the lowest ratio, I suspect we only have one merit source who is not very active lately.
From what i can see, it looks like your only meeit source is malevolent but as you said he is not very active lately.
The discussion there is pretty clean and spam-free, but, as there are only a few active members there, I think people are hesitant to keep sending merits to the same members too often, as it could be seen as abuse.
I don't think that anyone would see it as abuse as long merit is sent to any decent/helpful post as people got way more relaxed when is comes to how merit is shared.
Still, seeing boards with a ratio of over 1 seems a bit odd, as I can't imagine that (on average) every single post would be worth meriting.
Its more about good posts getting more merits. The main difference I noticed on our local board when we got few more merit sources is while before you would get maybe 2-3 merits for a good post, nowadays you will get like 10 and that's why merit ratio went up a lot.
Out of curiosity (after seeing pawel7777 post) I decided to check how many merits is sent per transaction and result is yet another chart. What can i say, I really enjoy making those.
While I wasn't surprised at all (as a matter of fact I expected it) to see Arabic board at the top of this chart, I was surprised to see some of the local boards that generally have lower merit/post ratio (Russian, Polish, even Turkish)) to have one of the highest merit sent per transaction.
@DdmrDdmr I know its a long shot, but is there any way to see percentage of merited posts in each local board?