I am very glad to hear that Naine thinks the issue will not die down in Czechia. The only way to achieve a change is for people to react strongly over every case, and not forget it, not shrug their shoulders, not to accept all the babble which official Norway comes up with.
A: There were reasons.
B: What reasons?
A: I do not have any documents. Only the mother and the CPS have documents.
B: Have somebody from the CPS said you why it was done?
A: We are not in contact with the CPS.
B: Have you called the CPS?
A: No.
B: How you know that everything is OK?
A: I know how the system works.
Very revealing. So this, then, is the Norwegian ambassador in Prague, Mrs Siri Ellen Sletner. First she says that there were reasons why the children had to be taken. Then she says that she has no documents about the case and is not in contact with the CPS. Then how does she know? The answer is the typical one: She "knows" how the system works. That is the way the Norwegian state always answers: The CPS "never takes children unless there are compelling reasons why it has to be done". – This is the blind propaganda we are always up against.
Předpokládám, že museli mít důvod děti vzít, říká norská velvyslankyně
Here are some more Norwegian amabassadors praising our CPS:
Norwegian embassies abroad and Norwegian child protection
(Note how the group of Hindus in America exposed the one there.)
This article shows the text on the transparencies they used at the sports-competition - bravo!
Jak na protest v Novém Městě na Moravě
The transparency texts are in Czech and Norwegian, so I can provide an English translation of the Norwegian:
"Norge bryter FN barnekonvensjon" – Norway violates the UN Convention of the Rights of the Child
"Norge bryter menneskerettigheter" – Norway violates human rights
"Norge, gi oss tilbake barna våre" – Norway, give us back our children
"Bryt ikke art. 8 EMK" – Do not violate Article 8 of the European Convention on Human Rights
"Norge er hjerteløs" – Norway is heartless
"Norge oppfører seg som et diktatur" – Norway behaves like/as a dictatorship
"Norge – siste kommuniststat?" – Norway - the last communist state?*
"Dårlig samvittighet? Det bør Norge ha." – Bad conscience? That is what Norway should have.
"Husker du tatere? Det samme skjer på nytt." Do you remember the "Taters"? The same is happening again.**
"Reputasjonen deres er ødelagt. Hjelp med gjenoppbygging!" Your reputation is ruined. Help rebuilding it!
* But look out for Sweden, it is even worse when it comes to CPS.
** The Taters are a gipsy-like, nomadic/semi-nomadic, ethnic group in the Nordic countries. They have been treated atrociously, shut up, forcibly sterilised, lobotomised, and their children have been taken from them.