
Topic: Child Kidnappings by the Western-European States - page 13. (Read 72940 times)

Activity: 92
Merit: 10
It will not go away.  

I am very glad to hear that Naine thinks the issue will not die down in Czechia. The only way to achieve a change is for people to react strongly over every case, and not forget it, not shrug their shoulders, not to accept all the babble which official Norway comes up with.


b) The ambassador did no help.

A: There were reasons.
B: What reasons?
A: I do not have any documents. Only the mother and the CPS have documents.
B: Have somebody from the CPS said you why it was done?
A: We are not in contact with the CPS.
B: Have you called the CPS?
A: No.
B: How you know that everything is OK?
A: I know how the system works.

Very revealing. So this, then, is the Norwegian ambassador in Prague, Mrs Siri Ellen Sletner. First she says that there were reasons why the children had to be taken. Then she says that she has no documents about the case and is not in contact with the CPS. Then how does she know? The answer is the typical one: She "knows" how the system works. That is the way the Norwegian state always answers: The CPS "never takes children unless there are compelling reasons why it has to be done". – This is the blind propaganda we are always up against.
Předpokládám, že museli mít důvod děti vzít, říká norská velvyslankyně

Here are some more Norwegian amabassadors praising our CPS:
Norwegian embassies abroad and Norwegian child protection
(Note how the group of Hindus in America exposed the one there.)


This article shows the text on the transparencies they used at the sports-competition - bravo!
Jak na protest v Novém Městě na Moravě

The transparency texts are in Czech and Norwegian, so I can provide an English translation of the Norwegian:

"Norge bryter FN barnekonvensjon"Norway violates the UN Convention of the Rights of the Child
"Norge bryter menneskerettigheter"Norway violates human rights
"Norge, gi oss tilbake barna våre"Norway, give us back our children
"Bryt ikke art. 8 EMK"Do not violate Article 8 of the European Convention on Human Rights
"Norge er hjerteløs"Norway is heartless
"Norge oppfører seg som et diktatur"Norway behaves like/as a dictatorship
"Norge – siste kommuniststat?"Norway - the last communist state?*
"Dårlig samvittighet? Det bør Norge ha."Bad conscience? That is what Norway should have.
"Husker du tatere? Det samme skjer på nytt." Do you remember the "Taters"? The same is happening again.**
"Reputasjonen deres er ødelagt. Hjelp med gjenoppbygging!" Your reputation is ruined. Help rebuilding it!

* But look out for Sweden, it is even worse when it comes to CPS.
** The Taters are a gipsy-like, nomadic/semi-nomadic, ethnic group in the Nordic countries. They have been treated atrociously, shut up, forcibly sterilised, lobotomised, and their children have been taken from them.

Activity: 22
Merit: 0
An another peace of  information. The CPS used as an interpret from Czech a Polish interpret.
Activity: 22
Merit: 0

So the EU Commission is hidebound and "uppety" but MEPs – members of the European Parliament – are getting active. Add to this the fact that the social services particularly in Britain are going crazy these last years, they are having a regular feast "redistributing" children, so that the European Court of Human Rights is getting a lot of complaints especially from British parents. The Czech member of the European Parliament Tomáš Zdechovský should therefore find a number of allies in his efforts to have Britain and Scandinavia condemned for their practices (the latest I heard was that he would especially take up the actions of those countries).


It will not go away.
a) Czech public can accept that a state takes away children. It is also sometimes done. But if it is done, the children should go to the other family member and it is not acceptable to limit mother's access to the children for one hour/year and to prohibited the access of others members of the family to the children. Also siblings are kept together.  What is totally unacceptable is the Czech language prohibition and forced adoption, which was allegedly intended. The mother stated that the children will not be given Czech passport as requested by CPS. I think that without a paperwork they cannot be easily adopted. There was a group of people, which used to give Czech children for adoption to Germany, to be assimilated. The people were called Nazis.  So there is a quite an outrage that Czech citizens are prohibited to communicate in Czech.

b) The ambassador did no help.

A: There were reasons.
B: What reasons?
A: I do not have any documents. Only the mother and the CPS have documents.
B: Have somebody from the CPS said you why it was done?
A: We are not in contact with the CPS.
B: Have you called the CPS?
A: No.
B: How you know that everything is OK?
A: I know how the system works.

There should be some protest in Prague and during biathlon competition.

c) It was discovered that the two "independent" psychologist were not independent, they are living together.

d) It is not the only case. They are four another cases.

e) Tomáš Zdechovský, Petr Mach a Jitka  Chalánková were in Norway.
According Tomáš Zdechovský - police was polite and correct, CPS not. He asked why were children separated. No answer. What the mother must do to get them back? No answer.

f) Tomáš Zdechovský is s renaissance person (a journalist, a poet...) and  a member of a small conservative christian (=catholic) party, which promotes family values.

g) There is a petition with more then 10 000 signatures asking the government to do something about it.
Activity: 92
Merit: 10

Hoi!   Mother and daughter made it home to Lithuania!

- Mor og datter befinner seg i Litauen (Mother and daughter are in Lithuania)
Adresseavisen, 26 January 2015

"Mannen som varslet politiet er ikke jentas biologiske far. Han har sagt til politiet at moren ikke klarte å leve uten datteren sin. Begge skal ifølge mannen ha det bra." (The man who informed the police is not the girl's biological father. He has said to the police that the mother was not able to live without her daughter. Both are, according to the man, fine.")


(I could do with a full time secretary to find articles more quickly.)
Activity: 92
Merit: 10
Back for a moment to what is going on in Norway just now:

The Lithuanian girl has not been "found" by the authorities by this morning (27 January):
Posting in the Lithuanina / Norway thread

At the same time, a 7 year old Lithuanian boy is "missing" from Molde. He disappeared from a bowling hall yesterday. Several police patrols are searching, and they have drafted in all sorts of other people, but so far they have not succeeded in getting hold of him:
Lithuanian boy? – unclear news reports

My title for that thread is no longer quite apt, since the reports are becoming fairly clear. The Norwegian press's way of presenting it is less so, of course, but it does not take a genius to make a reasonable guess.

sr. member
Activity: 322
Merit: 250
In Norway SWC is big business for several instances, and huige proffit is involved when a child is taken into custody: Foster parents, private and public institutes that hold the child for assessment, advocates, doctors, psychologists, therapeuts, medical companies.
Activity: 92
Merit: 10
I recently rediscovered an article by Christopher Booker from last year, one which I had myself linked to in a small article but had in my inefficiency completely forgotten. I ought to have done more than link to it, because it is very important, so here it is for consumption by us. (It starts off with an illustration of how Russian-Latvian children in the Netherlands were taken - for not speaking Dutch at home! So that adds "nicely" to what you just reported about Oscar, Nemo.)
Here is Booker:

MEPs must investigate this child-snatching scandal
The Telegraph, 22 March 2014

So the EU Commission is hidebound and "uppety" but MEPs – members of the European Parliament – are getting active. Add to this the fact that the social services particularly in Britain are going crazy these last years, they are having a regular feast "redistributing" children, so that the European Court of Human Rights is getting a lot of complaints especially from British parents. The Czech member of the European Parliament Tomáš Zdechovský should therefore find a number of allies in his efforts to have Britain and Scandinavia condemned for their practices (the latest I heard was that he would especially take up the actions of those countries).

Activity: 1680
Merit: 1014
Right - then I'll try reposting the other one, with two small additions.

First of all, Marianne, I would not have removed any posts even if I could (this is not a self-moderated topic). I welcome the fact that the discussion and revelation expanded from the original topic.

Plenty of cases here, in the section "Temaer" (themes / topics) at BarnasRett (The children's Right):
Barn og familier på flukt fra barnevernet (Children and families fleeing from the child protection services)
Barn og foreldre som blir straffet for opprør mot barnevernet (Children and parents who are punished for revolt against the child protection services)

Unfortunately these articles are all articles in Norwegian. Still, the files give an idea of the profusion of articles and I also post the links for the benefit of readers who can read Scandinavian.

The short article above is so poignant, that I decided to do a quick translation of it:

Nemo, to you think Pavel Astakhov is kept informed about all that is going on? He seemed enough of a maverick not to let any soft soap from Norwegian assurances talk him down. And he speaks Swedish, or so the info says (KGB-educated!).

I think he is well-informed, but Russia is trying to play by the rules, and does so quietly through the diplomatic channels, so as not to put a child into more danger from the Norwegian CPS. The impression I got from the interviews on Russian media, is that Russian authorities are treating such cases with the same care, as the one shown when negotiating with terrorists in armed hostage-taking situations.

It is interesting that you asked about it now. There were no updates about the case of little Oscar since mid-November, and until now. Here is what appeared on the official pages of The Commissioner for the Presidential Council for Children's Rights:

And here is my translation from Russian:

Parents of a child, withdrawn from a Russian family in Norway, will be attending special courses
01/23/2015 12:43

Following the meeting of the parents of Oscar S. with the Norwegian social service staff, it was decided to cooperate with Barnevern, parents will attend special courses.

Russian family from which the Norwegian authorities took their son because of a "milk tooth being knocked out", will continue to cooperate with CPS and will attend special courses.

Recall, on the 8th of October 2014, the government of Norway took the boy from a family of Russian citizens who temporarily came to work to the city of Tromsø. The reason for withdrawal was the "removed milk tooth". The court decided to refer the child to a foster family, and still the decision to return him to his parents is not taken.

Later, the Russian family lawyer Catherine Reiersen said that the court of Tromsø, after the hearing on January 9, 2015 decided to leave Oscar in a foster family, but recommended that the Norwegian CPS take steps to facilitate the return of the child in the family of origin. In the report the judge noted that the family is positive, having a lot of good qualities, conscientious parents, trying to establish a dialogue with the social services.

On the 21st of January there was a meeting of the boy's parents with representatives of Norwegian CPS, which resulted in the decision to cooperate with Barnevern, and parents will attend special courses.

"Given the positive reviews of the parents of Oscar by the judge and social workers, in the presence of which the meetings with the child are conducted, and also thanks to the constructive attitude of parents to cooperate with Barnevern, there is hope for a favourable outcome of the case and the return of the boy in the family of origin" - said The Commissioner for the Presidential Council for Children's Rights, Pavel Astakhov.

From the quote above: "trying to establish a dialogue with the social services". This is one of the emphasised positive qualities!

So, Russia is playing along by the Norwegian rules (it really has no choice - angering the CPS beast may put the child into an even greater peril), the family is still torn, the boy hasn't seen his little sister, who got evacuated to her grandparents, but there is hope...
Activity: 3318
Merit: 2008
First Exclusion Ever
What leopard2 says about mandatory kindergarten is a clear warning. We have sort of almost the same thing in Scandinavia, perhaps even more reprehensible, because it is not what it claims to be: officially it is not obligatory to have your children in kindergarten, but if you don't, all manner of "child expert" units are no end busy finding other faults with the child and you, claiming that if your child was at a kindergarten and did not see so much of you, these deficiencies would not be there. And of course, kindergarten personnel are taught to "diagnose" everything a child does and says as a proof of failed parenting. So then they take the child away. I have referred to one case which was on tv and in the press some years ago, and although there was a sort of mild reaction against the kindergarten and the CPS in the case, there was not - and never is - any change in the general attitude that everybody except the parents know best.

I can confirm this is also largely the case within the US as well. There is currently a lot of push here to remove the option for parents to choose to home school their children. In places where it is not specifically outlawed, many parents that home school their children are subjected to exponentially increased scrutiny. Many people don't know it, but upon a birth certificate being issued by the county of birth within the US, the parents are in effect making the child's legal person property of the county.

In effect all children are property of the state, not property of the parents as one might assume. Even into adulthood, unless this contractual entanglement with the county is nullified at the age of 18, the individual remains a ward of the state. This is the primary mechanism and claim to ownership the family courts use here to extricate children from their parents OUTSIDE the rule of law, because it falls within the realm of contract/maritime law, and they reside over the issue as a matter of contract law rather than common law.

Basically IMO, this mentality is a global push to force the socialization/indoctrination of children by requiring they participate in it by law, or by selective enforcement of the law. The concept of children being property of the state is at the core of socialist tenets, and it is a growing threat to the family unit world wide. The state wants to make sure its chattel property is properly indoctrinated and compliant, and the CPS system is just another way to mandate this.

its funny how we have this constitution but it doesn't work unless you live to be a certain age.
The constitution is what is known as common law. What I described is maritime UCC contract law. People in the US (and many other nations) have been tricked into accepting maritime law as if it were common law. Both still exist, they are just 2 completely different jurisdictions. If you want your constitutional rights, you have to extract them with knowledge of the law. It can still be done, but it is not easy (it never was).
full member
Activity: 308
Merit: 100
I'm nothing without GOD
What leopard2 says about mandatory kindergarten is a clear warning. We have sort of almost the same thing in Scandinavia, perhaps even more reprehensible, because it is not what it claims to be: officially it is not obligatory to have your children in kindergarten, but if you don't, all manner of "child expert" units are no end busy finding other faults with the child and you, claiming that if your child was at a kindergarten and did not see so much of you, these deficiencies would not be there. And of course, kindergarten personnel are taught to "diagnose" everything a child does and says as a proof of failed parenting. So then they take the child away. I have referred to one case which was on tv and in the press some years ago, and although there was a sort of mild reaction against the kindergarten and the CPS in the case, there was not - and never is - any change in the general attitude that everybody except the parents know best.

I can confirm this is also largely the case within the US as well. There is currently a lot of push here to remove the option for parents to choose to home school their children. In places where it is not specifically outlawed, many parents that home school their children are subjected to exponentially increased scrutiny. Many people don't know it, but upon a birth certificate being issued by the county of birth within the US, the parents are in effect making the child's legal person property of the county.

In effect all children are property of the state, not property of the parents as one might assume. Even into adulthood, unless this contractual entanglement with the county is nullified at the age of 18, the individual remains a ward of the state. This is the primary mechanism and claim to ownership the family courts use here to extricate children from their parents OUTSIDE the rule of law, because it falls within the realm of contract/maritime law, and they reside over the issue as a matter of contract law rather than common law.

Basically IMO, this mentality is a global push to force the socialization/indoctrination of children by requiring they participate in it by law, or by selective enforcement of the law. The concept of children being property of the state is at the core of socialist tenets, and it is a growing threat to the family unit world wide. The state wants to make sure its chattel property is properly indoctrinated and compliant, and the CPS system is just another way to mandate this.

its funny how we have this constitution but it doesn't work unless you live to be a certain age.
Activity: 92
Merit: 10

A little movement in the Czech case, and I know for a fact that they are working on it in Prague:

Norwegian MPs may discuss Michalák case
Prague Post, 23 January 2015

Czech MEP Tomáš Zdechovský has been pushing for Norway to take action
…… He said Per Sandberg, deputy chairman of the Progress Party, wants to ask the Norwegian Foreign Minister about the case at a meeting of the foreign committee of Norwegian Parliament.
 “This will be for the first that something like this will happen in Norway in relation to a case involving the Czech Republic,” Zdechovský said.

Activity: 92
Merit: 10
Right - then I'll try reposting the other one, with two small additions.

From 21 January 2015, at about 11:50 pm:

Another case today: A Lithuanian girl of 9 has (probably) been fetched by her mother and they are on the run. Hopefully back to Lithuania. They are being hunted by Norwegian police, all the border personnel are on the look-out for them, the Norwegian Crime Force are "assisting" and Interpol has been alerted. They are now "wanted internationally" and the police want everybody to be on the look-out and tip the police off if they see the fugitives.

I have made the start of a thread here (hope there will be articles in English about the case on the web by and by, so that I don't have to translate and write so much):
Lithuania / Norway: Girl taken out from foster care by mother

If mother and daughter are caught, the child will be taken back to the foster home (no matter what she wants or says) – or to another foster home at a secret address – and the mother faces a criminal court case and imprisonment. Plenty of cases here, in the section "Temaer" (themes / topics) at BarnasRett (The children's Right):
Barn og familier på flukt fra barnevernet (Children and families fleeing from the child protection services)
Barn og foreldre som blir straffet for opprør mot barnevernet (Children and parents who are punished for revolt against the child protection services)

Unfortunately these articles are all articles in Norwegian. Still, the files give an idea of the profusion of articles and I also post the links for the benefit of readers who can read Scandinavian.


Jan Simonsen has been interviewed again by Czech television. He says that the Czech member of the European Parliament Tomáš Zdechovský has been very active getting an overview of very many cases relating to several countries whose children have been confiscated by the Scandinavian ones. He will bring the whole issue to the European Parliament, I think. We shall know more about it in not too many days.

I hope all these countries: The Czech Republic, Russia, Lithuania, Poland, Slovakia, Turkey, India - - what have you, will get together in a strong, concerted action against this child 'protection' which is completely off the rails. And they must get Estonia included, because Norwegian child protection is busy there teaching the Estonians how do provide 'welfare and protection' for children!

Nemo, to you think Pavel Astakhov is kept informed about all that is going on? He seemed enough of a maverick not to let any soft soap from Norwegian assurances talk him down. And he speaks Swedish, or so the info says (KGB-educated!).
Activity: 1135
Merit: 1001
^ don't think Nemo1024 has any power to remove posts. Only mods can do that. And usually only if they are spam, and others report it. If both posts were made after 21:44 on 21 Jan, they were lost when the forum went down:
Activity: 92
Merit: 10
While the Bitcoin Forum has been down, two posts of mine have apparently been removed? There might be some technical reason they got lost, to do with the forum being down, but if not, it was perhaps done by Nemo1024 because they were unwanted? That of course is for him to judge. I am posting the first one again and so if he removes it again, I will understand the message (albeit not the reason for it!).


From 21 January 2015  at 11:35:51 pm:

Regarding the current Czech case (Eva Michaláková's):

A new statement from the Norwegian embassy in Prague yesterday – the contents being of the usual kind which we know well from Norwegian authorities:

Child welfare in Norway and the Michalak boys
The Norwegian Embassy in the Czech Republic, 20 January 2015

The embassy, on behalf of Norwegian authorities, claim that all sorts of things said by Eva Michaláková and by Czech media are untrue, and so on. Also, they claim that the boys are "progressing well" in their foster homes. "Progressing" sounds like an insinuation that they were not doing well before they were taken from their parents, and that the CPS and the foster homes are having to work to compensate for that.
But anyway, that is what they say about foster children generally: that things are going so well with them and they were so miserable and so damaged when they were with their parents. Of course all sorts of 'child experts' back this up. This kind of 'information' is not matched by statistics relating to the number of children who try to escape from foster homes, nor those of the end results of foster care, which are appalling: a very high percentage have a miserable life, comprising crime, illness, early death, no education, unemployment, not to speak of tragedies of personal life (cf the points marked • in the section "Protection of the child / Child protection" here: Political program for child protection in local administration).

Activity: 1680
Merit: 1014
Arkansas Takes Away 7 Homeschool Children

I saw your post and was about to link it back to here.

Wanted to reference one point from Marianne's list in this regard of CPS' aversion to home-schooling:

The list I referred to above:
An incomplete list of reasons given by the child protection services (CPS) of the Nordic countries for depriving children of their parents
is not one of only "first causes" of CPS involvement, but it may still go some way towards providing an answer to koshgel's question.
Activity: 3318
Merit: 2008
First Exclusion Ever
full member
Activity: 182
Merit: 123
Have all Russians Citizens been brought back to the Motherland?
Activity: 1680
Merit: 1014
The list I referred to above:
An incomplete list of reasons given by the child protection services (CPS) of the Nordic countries for depriving children of their parents
is not one of only "first causes" of CPS involvement, but it may still go some way towards providing an answer to koshgel's question.

That list is a kafkian feast of absurdity, coupled with the undercurrent of malevolent greed!

(16)  The mother is very small. When the daughter grows to become a teenager, the mother will not be able to tackle her.

Really?! So the mother is supposed to tackle her daughter rather than talk to her?

Those CPS workers, who come up with the "reasons" on that list should be kept far away from children, preferably locked away in an asylum.

Activity: 3318
Merit: 2008
First Exclusion Ever
What leopard2 says about mandatory kindergarten is a clear warning. We have sort of almost the same thing in Scandinavia, perhaps even more reprehensible, because it is not what it claims to be: officially it is not obligatory to have your children in kindergarten, but if you don't, all manner of "child expert" units are no end busy finding other faults with the child and you, claiming that if your child was at a kindergarten and did not see so much of you, these deficiencies would not be there. And of course, kindergarten personnel are taught to "diagnose" everything a child does and says as a proof of failed parenting. So then they take the child away. I have referred to one case which was on tv and in the press some years ago, and although there was a sort of mild reaction against the kindergarten and the CPS in the case, there was not - and never is - any change in the general attitude that everybody except the parents know best.

I can confirm this is also largely the case within the US as well. There is currently a lot of push here to remove the option for parents to choose to home school their children. In places where it is not specifically outlawed, many parents that home school their children are subjected to exponentially increased scrutiny. Many people don't know it, but upon a birth certificate being issued by the county of birth within the US, the parents are in effect making the child's legal person property of the county.

In effect all children are property of the state, not property of the parents as one might assume. Even into adulthood, unless this contractual entanglement with the county is nullified at the age of 18, the individual remains a ward of the state. This is the primary mechanism and claim to ownership the family courts use here to extricate children from their parents OUTSIDE the rule of law, because it falls within the realm of contract/maritime law, and they reside over the issue as a matter of contract law rather than common law.

Basically IMO, this mentality is a global push to force the socialization/indoctrination of children by requiring they participate in it by law, or by selective enforcement of the law. The concept of children being property of the state is at the core of socialist tenets, and it is a growing threat to the family unit world wide. The state wants to make sure its chattel property is properly indoctrinated and compliant, and the CPS system is just another way to mandate this.
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