BitMos, I don't think Russia will play a bad cop, it will play by the rules, otherwise what's the point in having rules? As for America - it does not need to take over Norway, if I understood your sentiment correctly. Norway is already the last state of the USA. US President speeches get more news time here than the speeches of local or European politicians. You almost never see European films on TV and never hear European music on the radio - both are predominately American. English is de-facto second mother tongue. And the Norwegian culture is mostly remembered only on the 17th of May.
Urgent update about the 5-year old Oskar. His parents were informed by a letter from Barnevernet that the child got transferred (read: sold) to an undisclosed foster family and that any future contact between the child and his parents is prohibited.
How to phrase it kindly, I don't think Russia is anymore in the driving seat concerning Norway. But why do you think that the Russian patriots would accept that their own children could be kidnapped by any states, including Norway. That it doesn't represent a major unacceptable threat to Russian security worldwide? And that only by bringing those kids back to the Motherlands the security of all Russian children can be assured worldwide. What is interesting is that their is no report of the reaction of the norwegian gov. I mean, everyone in Norway think it will go poof, to kidnap Russian kids from their family? Wait for the crying mothers on tv. Furthermore if the said state kidnappers don't feel an utmost humiliation, which may result in their end, they can't learn from their mistakes and others capitalize on it. That's why it's time for the Empire, aka America to take care of the norwegian case. As you must know, it's not a very complex policing operation, the Empire does it all the time according to the kremlin
My sentiment is that I. NATO /= THE EMPIRE. It's seems simple, but it's very clear. The different messages of certain so called member states have been heard. Or you join the Union, aka the United States of America or you have to behave correctly. And by that I mean, not kidnapping children from their family at all, and secondly that sometimes depending on the circumstances of the Empire it's important for your state, to admit that it must accept different paradigms in many aspects from legislative to territorial issues. But that you can have a say, but that some others interests may primes yours and a such to fold your dreams hurts less than a confrontation (from your perspective) with the Empire.
It's a match made in dream with Alaska, that some borders may become fluids and of course only include a stealth overthrow! As a Norwegians you wouldn't notice anything, Bagdad on Ice
TM, doesn't need to be violent. It's precisely the challenge of the matters, just to restore a certain sanity in the kingdom of Norway, the only explosions in the sky of Oslo would be the fireworks used to celebrate the success of the most beautifully never executed stealth overthrow. It would be so silent that the shockwaves of it would be heard very far. And warn everyone that the Empire takes it security very seriously. And if you read until here, just remember who ever may the foreign enemy be, they are nothing in comparison to the domestic ones
No one is stopping you from interfacing safely with anything that may come from any where, about your cultural comments. I didn't knew that a cultural artifact (
) could be nationalistic! For ex : An European music, I prefer good/bad/abject/expensive/scamy or what ever as adjective... the cultural icon of the nation, part of myth building I guess? loooowwwww skkkiiiillllllssss. Do you prefer something better or worst? Depends