15:08:03:552 ebc Share accepted (47 ms)!
15:08:03:554 ebc new buf size: 0
15:08:03:811 ebc got 253 bytes
15:08:03:812 ebc buf: {"jsonrpc":"2.0","method":"job","params":{"blob":"0305b18ab9c305bd445849f96d802717976bad3a8b963a375708165dd14e7ba72c265651e2d1fa0 00000009cd03fa3310789f936b610b107779382ae28cc6878446bf1d91027f8fae2bcda17","job_id":"737135642999783","target":"b88d0600"}}
15:08:03:813 ebc parse packet: 253
15:08:03:814 ebc new buf size: 0
15:08:03:817 ebc 01/05/17-15:08:03 - New job received from xmr-eu.dwarfpool.com:8005
15:08:03:819 ebc Speed: 680 h/s, Total Shares: 705, Rejected: 0, Mining time:
15:08:03:821 ebc 03:45
15:08:03:823 ebc TotalHashes: 6597K, DevHashes: 163K, DevFee rate is 1:39
15:08:04:252 b2c Job changed, drop current round
15:08:04:254 b2c Round
15:08:04:255 4dc Round
15:08:05:088 ebc got 78 bytes
15:08:05:089 ebc buf: {"jsonrpc":"2.0","method":"job","params":{"blob":"","job_id":"","target":""}}
15:08:05:090 ebc parse packet: 78
15:08:05:092 ebc cannot convert blob data
15:08:05:094 ebc new buf size: 0
15:08:05:802 b2c GPU 0: HashCnt = 1024, time = 1503 ms, hashrate = 681 h/s
15:08:05:818 b2c Round
15:08:07:340 4dc GPU 0: HashCnt = 1024, time = 1502 ms, hashrate = 681 h/s
15:08:07:355 4dc Dev round
15:08:08:879 b2c GPU 0: HashCnt = 1024, time = 1501 ms, hashrate = 682 h/s
15:08:08:895 b2c Round
15:08:10:418 4dc GPU 0: HashCnt = 1024, time = 1502 ms, hashrate = 681 h/s
15:08:10:434 4dc dev round found 1 shares
15:08:10:435 f84 DevFee: 01/05/17-15:08:10 - SHARE FOUND (target 2000) - (GPU 0 of 1)
what is this error about?
Dwarfpool goes crazy, as you can see it sends empty job:
15:08:05:089 ebc buf: {"jsonrpc":"2.0","method":"job","params":{"blob":"","job_id":"","target":""}}
It's not miner issue.
@Claymore, another question, using tuning usually gets my ip banned, first of all, gpu is not overclocked, however, hashrates shown differs on multiples same gpu model, for example, rx 480 8gb, card 1, shows 690 h/s, rx 480 8gb, card 2, shows 660 h/s, the only way for card 2 to reach card speeds is to tune -h values, up and down -h 1024 to -h 992 and back to -h 1024, is there a way you can make highest values stable, i mean, all gpus reach highest possible hashrate?
Use "-h" option, read Readme for details.