Use Overdrive.
1.Start it (you see options to choose cards) choose one
2. Double click on left column P0 till P6 - DISABLE IT.
3. In P7 (that only left) set desired Freq and Voltage (that for GPU)
4. IN P1 (under MEMORY) set desired Freq
5. APPLY and SAVE as profile 123
6. Do same for all cards you have and rig (same profile name 123)
7. Test you settings (for stability) - you will se all works you GPU is UNDERVOLTED !
8. Now you need make .BAT file and drop it to autostart (windows)
For example inside bat file: OvedriveNTool.exe -p0"123" -p1"123" -p2"123" -p3"123" -p4"123
Drop a link to autostart and enjoy.
-p0 - that GPU number it goes from 0 till How many you have
"123" - that a profile name that you save
Names can be different, depends how you like it.
All works fine. Good Luck
Doesn't work. Verified power consumption with my killawatt.
Hoping for a fix soon. The extra 300w increase for 20Mh extra isn't worth it. In the in meantime I'll keep using 9.6 with the nofee redirect.