You exist because everything exists. Nothing can't exist.
Death is not bad. If the entire planet exploded tomorrow, I wouldn't be mad at god, I would be in heaven, quite thankful.
If the planet died tomorrow, how would you get into heaven
without a soul?
It's almost like your words have no meaning to you at all.
You don't lose your soul when you die. It moves to another dimension, another reality. What you experience is up to your beliefs.
Can you understand this? Earth is enduring spiritual awakening, a transition to heaven.
World peace is near.
Soon, anything will be possible.
What do the words "dimension", "heaven" and "death" mean to you?
No I can't understand that, for I don't know the meanings to your ramblings.
Those three words mean dictionary meaning to me. They mean something else to you.
Maybe that's the problem. I found understanding of all these words without the use of a dictionary, I did it completely internally. Maybe you should find they mean to you, rather than what they mean to society.
If you really can't that we are spiritually awakening, I'll say it another way. We are consciously becoming more aware of self. Not your body, but your true self, your soul. If you don't know what this means, don't worry, one day you will experience it for yourself and understand.