God gave man free-will. Sin enters the world because of humans choice. Sin brings sickness, pain, suffering, evil and separation from God. God, out of love for us, sends Jesus so He can walk with us, understand us and die for our sins. Man still rejects Him, calls him horrible and unloving. In spite of this, God still cares about us and is willing that ALL come to repentance so He can save us.
Yes there are sick kids in the world. There is unfair things that happen every day. People do horrible things to each other. There will come a day when all things will be made right though and the sins of the world, and all the crap that Satan (who does not seem to be getting any credit for his part here) will pay for all the pain he has inflicted. We have a choice though. We can either be proud and reject God and say He is to blame, or we can come to Him and humbly ask for His help. It is in the humble submission that He brings peace, joy, hope and wraps His arms around us and we are able to stand with the knowledge that all will be made right in the end. I don't have to understand it all but I trust Him, like a child trusts a parent, that He will take care of me and to live is Christ but to die is gain. I do not even have to fear sickness or death. So the sufferings on this earth seem fleeting and short lived.
So many wrongs in your words.
But are willing to say that to child dying with cancer?
"You will die because you are sinner!!!"
Where's the freewill in having cancer?
Why don't your god just kills Satan? He seems to do a lot of killing in the bible, why not one more? Is Satan his protégé?
And making promises for the after life is the ultimate scam!
I would tell a child dying with cancer that there is hope beyond this life and suffering. That Jesus is crying too and understands him/her and what she is going through and that the child never has to feel alone.
Why doesn't God kill Satan? Satan will get His due reward in the end. Satan is a fallen angel. For whatever reason God allows for Him to torment us and everyone on earth. Why God does not just put Him in his place right now is one of those questions I don't understand myself. I know that there was a war in heaven before earth was created. Some of the angels chose to follow Satan. That is why there are "fallen angels" and that they are still trying to "get back" at God by afflicting pain and suffering on us and trying to get us to not choose God. I have often thought that God was lonely. He created someone like Satan that was a more intelligent creative being then the other angels but then pride made the best of him. Then God chose to create man. He gave us a free-will so we could choose him or not. If God forced us to choose Him, how would he know if we really loved Him or not? He wants us to love Him out of our own free choice and not be forced to do so. I suppose you could say it was a great big experiment that we are a part of. We can accept that God chose for things to be this way or we can be angry with Him, or even say He does not exist. The choice is ours.
How do you know for sure that the after-life is a scam? Are you willing to bet your life on that? Let's say you are wrong then you will approach Heaven and God will say He never knew you. On the other hand, If you choose to accept God and His gift of eternal life you will be relieved that you made that choice if heaven is real. If it is not real, then the outcome is the same is it not? Seems like the logical thing would be to believe and accept. It is a less risky move.