I'm still looking for such proof.
In the Bible, Paul the Apostle hated Christians and was so sure he was right about what he believed that he even killed them. God, out of His mercy, caused him to be blinded for a short time and asked him "Why do you persecute me." Paul did not realize that he was doing the wrong thing. He was quite sure he was doing the right thing. God was merciful to Paul in revealing Himself to him because his heart was in the place of trying to be zealous for good, but he was just misguided.
All of that said, be careful in your search for proof. God has a way of showing us proof in ways that might not be terribly comfortable if we fight Him too much. (Like Paul, Johah, etc . . ) But God does "discipline those He loves" so even if it is uncomfortable at times I still appreciate the times He has "knocked me off my horse" so to speak and shown me the error of my ways. It is not that I enjoy it, but I know that it out of love for me that He does that.
So Dank, you agree with me on so many things which I find interesting. The one thing we disagree on, which is a huge issue I believe, is that you have a belief that we can somehow become God? The first commandment says that we are to have no other God but Him. Wouldn't claiming that we are "god" or could somehow become "god" be breaking the very first commandment?
We are created in God's image for sure. But I would be cautious about saying I am a part of god. That I would think would be prideful. God always was and is but I am just a humble created being. The Fear of God is the beginning of true wisdom. To think we can become one with Him does not seem fearful but prideful that we can somehow attain the same state as He is.
The religion that most fits your beliefs is Hinduism.
I think all religions got it down for the most part, though I believe some have been purposefully manipulated to gain control over the people. The basis of all religions is true and it's those underlying philosophies that make a religion what it is.