'Infected' is completely mysterious because nobody will burn a few test kits and will only test the sickest of the sick (and celebrities)?!? That doesn't pass the smell test. I'm hardly the only person who is pointing this out. Many of the highly esteemed doctors and scientists who are increasingly vocally calling bull on this plandemic are as well.
99% of people are self isolating
you can stick a swab up every orifice every hour for as long as they self isolate.. and they will show they wont have it.
so wasting swabs in this delay stage is stupid.
what is most likely to happen is continue to test those that are symptomatic. to make sure they are showing cough/fever symptoms due to corona and not something else..(asthma/panic attack.heart issues/other infections)
.. emphasis. people sick due to a car accident are not getting swabbed for corona. as you say they are not showing flu symptoms
later when self isolation relaxes and a few months have passed. then they can expand it to general public because the data/possible data will be relevant.
doing it now is like asking a 5yo to take a alcohol breathaliser test to see if they are a drunk driver (way before they had a chance to touch a drink/car steering wheel)
but right now hospitals are training up, and stocking up and expanding.. .. not to cure corona now. but to actually be able to cope with corona in future months.
using your own exaggerated methods..
you seem to be wanting to ask all girls under 10yo to take a pregnancy test, knowing they have not even had a chance to have sex yet. but just so you can prove some theory you have that pregnancy is a scam and doesnt happen