What would happen if this would NOT be mentioned in the bible?
People like you would run around scared like chicken.
Revelation 22:13.
"I am the Alpha and the Omega, the first and the last, the beginning and the end."
For ever, and ever.
There is nothing god isnt aware of, does not see, does not know.
Even your deepest emotions, and thats why jesus helps us. point.
I see Christians come to this thread but none of them questions quotes in the OP.
They are just ignoring them. Maybe because they are afraid God will punish them because
they discuss his psychotic episodes.
C'mon Christians explain the quotes in the OP. Show us the wisdom of God. Explain what we the Atheists are missing from these quotes.
Let's go one by one. The floor is yours.
There are no quotes in the OP, just some vague and inaccurate descriptions of a few verses.
Your only point is that you don't believe in God.
Even if someone answers all your questions and proves that none of your criticisms of the Bible are valid, you still won't change your position.
Therefore, you're not here for an honest debate.
You just want to let everyone know that you don't believe in God, and you're pretending to have some logical reasons to back up your beliefs. But if someone dismantles any or all of your arguments, you'll just change the subject to something else, because your arguments don't even matter to you. So why should anyone else take them seriously?
The fact is that plenty of intelligent people have studied the Bible and found no flaws or contradictions. You are free to disagree, but you are also free to read thousands of commentaries online - if you were actually interested in answers.
Since you are already ignoring thousands of available writings by thousands of accomplished scholars, there is no point in anyone wasting their time here just so you can ignore them too.
Especially since you didn't even bother to write your own criticisms, but just started this thread by pasting some Youtube links of other people doing all your thinking for you.
Since your only points came from Google and not your own mind, you can get your answers from Google too.