Overall i am not arguing about who maintains the stadium or built it/ownership for that matter, my whole point is every state board gets more than enough money but still spectator experience is not good due to their ignorance.
But sharing the deal can also make the stadium better because when there are improvements or upgrades it can be supported by both parties which is more feasible in terms of costs.
It also seems that it doesn't really affect the audience because everyone who comes there can watch the team they like compete for victory.
Well, are we talking about the stadiums in India for the upcoming world cup
What is wrong with those stadiums as we already witness the 2 months long IPL in the same stadiums and everything looks good on the TV screen? Is there any problem related to the conditions and facilities provided in those cricket venues?
I'm just aligning the previous feedback about the management and also the full thing about the stadium.
In India, cricket is one of the superior sports and many Indians are very enthusiastic about cricket farming there.
When talking about the facilities and also the eligibility of the Indian Stadium, it has a capacity for a large enough audience and all the facilities are quite perfect so there are not the slightest problems there.