TL;DR: I am level 9 (lower caste noble) of rather young age (41). I spent ~30mil trying to rid of my Severe challenge, but managed only to stay at Severe.
> Indicates a command. Any text without this prefix indicates command output (and thus info on how I performed).
# Indicates a comment by me.
! Indicates date changes in real life time.
# My character is 41 years old.
> health
You may still eat 200 units, drink 200 units and use 200 units of wisdom this year. Your remaining health challenge is Severe. Your overall health is Good
# Oh, nice! I'm not having a brutal challenge to start with. On the other hand my beginning health is only Good.
The eating/drinking felt Satisfying. I feel the remaining health challenge to be Severe. I could still eat 200, drink 180 and use 200 units of wisdom this year.
> health
You may still eat 200 units, drink 180 units and use 200 units of wisdom this year. Your remaining health challenge is Severe. Your overall health is Good
# What about food?
The eating/drinking felt Effective. I feel the remaining health challenge to be Severe. I could still eat 180, drink 180 and use 200 units of wisdom this year.
# How about some veggies too to go with it?
The eating/drinking felt Satisfying. I feel the remaining health challenge to be Severe. I could still eat 160, drink 180 and use 200 units of wisdom this year.
# Ok, time for some wisdom...
The eating/drinking felt Satisfying. I feel the remaining health challenge to be Severe. I could still eat 160, drink 180 and use 170 units of wisdom this year.
The eating/drinking felt Useful. I feel the remaining health challenge to be Severe. I could still eat 160, drink 180 and use 169 units of wisdom this year.
# Let's grab a beer (or quite a few!) to tag along
The eating/drinking felt Effective. I feel the remaining health challenge to be Severe. I could still eat 160, drink 130 and use 169 units of wisdom this year.
# Still severe, ouch. How about some wine in smaller quantities...
> CONSUME W1613W 5
The eating/drinking felt Satisfying. I feel the remaining health challenge to be Severe. I could still eat 160, drink 125 and use 169 units of wisdom this year.
# No? Maybe older vintage.
> CONSUME W1603 5
The eating/drinking felt Satisfying. I feel the remaining health challenge to be Severe. I could still eat 160, drink 120 and use 169 units of wisdom this year.
# Ok, let's put in the big guns. Time to smoke a real deal.
The eating/drinking felt Satisfying. I feel the remaining health challenge to be Severe. I could still eat 160, drink 120 and use 168 units of wisdom this year.
# Dang it, still only Satisfying & I am at Severe. Let's try quantity over quality.
The eating/drinking felt Effective. I feel the remaining health challenge to be Severe. I could still eat 160, drink 20 and use 168 units of wisdom this year.
# Hmm, not much left to drink and I'm still at Severe. Gotta think about this. Maybe a high quality drink to pour it down it with.
The eating/drinking felt Satisfying. I feel the remaining health challenge to be Severe. I could still eat 160, drink 19 and use 168 units of wisdom this year.
# Ok, slight disappointment. Still sitting at "Severe".
# Ok, so far I suspect "Effective" > "Satisfying" > "Useful"
# "Satisfying" > "Useful" because "CONSUME CIG 1" produced "Useful" while "CONSUME COH 1" produced "Satisfying"
# Effective I've only got with largish quantities of mid-range products (20 MEAT, 100 MEAD, or 50 BEER).
# At this point I thought that I'll try continue tomorrow, since I had to leave work, and HM mentioned that there was a "daily" bonus, so no point in consuming everything at once. Time to continue tomorrow!
# Finally back from work, phew. Now I can get back to working on my health again!
# My plan for today; I bought a variety of wine drinks, since I read that there was a bonus of having consumed a large variety of different things. So I intend to spend the remaining 19 drinks of mine as widely spread as possible over diffent drink IDs.
# Furthermore, it was outlined that daily eating bonus is available; thus I intend to spread my remaining 160 eat over the remaining days:
# Thu-Fri-Sat-Sun (assuming challenge ends on the Sunday) would mean I'll consume 40 per day to maximize my bonus per day. I think I'll go for 40 MEAT per day or such.
# The wisdom part is still something I haven't decided on, but I think I'll be relying much on CAN. I do also have 10 mushrooms, which could also provide me variety.
> health
You may still eat 160 units, drink 19 units and use 168 units of wisdom this year. Your remaining health challenge is Severe. Your overall health is Good
# Yup, time to get started. I need variety, starting with consuming wines and other fine bewerages!
> consume W1609 1
The eating/drinking felt Satisfying. I feel the remaining health challenge to be Severe. I could still eat 160, drink 18 and use 168 units of wisdom this year.
> consume W1612 1
The eating/drinking felt Satisfying. I feel the remaining health challenge to be Severe. I could still eat 160, drink 17 and use 168 units of wisdom this year.
> consume W1608 1
The eating/drinking felt Satisfying. I feel the remaining health challenge to be Severe. I could still eat 160, drink 16 and use 168 units of wisdom this year.
> consume W1600 1
The eating/drinking felt Satisfying. I feel the remaining health challenge to be Severe. I could still eat 160, drink 15 and use 168 units of wisdom this year.
> consume W1611 1
The eating/drinking felt Satisfying. I feel the remaining health challenge to be Severe. I could still eat 160, drink 14 and use 168 units of wisdom this year.
> consume W1602 1
The eating/drinking felt Satisfying. I feel the remaining health challenge to be Severe. I could still eat 160, drink 13 and use 168 units of wisdom this year.
> consume W1602F 1
The eating/drinking felt Satisfying. I feel the remaining health challenge to be Severe. I could still eat 160, drink 12 and use 168 units of wisdom this year.
> consume W1600M 1
The eating/drinking felt Satisfying. I feel the remaining health challenge to be Severe. I could still eat 160, drink 11 and use 168 units of wisdom this year.
> consume VOD 1
The eating/drinking felt Satisfying. I feel the remaining health challenge to be Severe. I could still eat 160, drink 10 and use 168 units of wisdom this year.
> consume GIN 1
The eating/drinking felt Satisfying. I feel the remaining health challenge to be Severe. I could still eat 160, drink 9 and use 168 units of wisdom this year.
> consume W1613W 2
The eating/drinking felt Useful. I feel the remaining health challenge to be Severe. I could still eat 160, drink 7 and use 168 units of wisdom this year.
> consume W1601 2
The eating/drinking felt Satisfying. I feel the remaining health challenge to be Severe. I could still eat 160, drink 5 and use 168 units of wisdom this year.
> consume W1603A 1
The eating/drinking felt Satisfying. I feel the remaining health challenge to be Severe. I could still eat 160, drink 4 and use 168 units of wisdom this year.
> consume W1603 1
The eating/drinking felt Useful. I feel the remaining health challenge to be Severe. I could still eat 160, drink 3 and use 168 units of wisdom this year.
> consume W1604 1
The eating/drinking felt Useful. I feel the remaining health challenge to be Severe. I could still eat 160, drink 2 and use 168 units of wisdom this year.
> consume W1601B 2
The eating/drinking felt Satisfying. I feel the remaining health challenge to be Severe. I could still eat 160, drink 0 and use 168 units of wisdom this year.
# So much for my drinking spree! If there's a variety factor, I sure hope I brought it up now for other consuming as well.
# Time for my daily meal and wisdom!
> consume MUS 8
The eating/drinking felt Satisfying. I feel the remaining health challenge to be Severe. I could still eat 160, drink 0 and use 160 units of wisdom this year.
# Well, now I got neat 160s spread in 4x40 for my daily chunks of food and wisdom.
# Noticed I had one FOIE lying around, let's pump up that variety still.
> consume FOIE 1
The eating/drinking felt Satisfying. I feel the remaining health challenge to be Severe. I could still eat 159, drink 0 and use 160 units of wisdom this year.
# Then on to bigger quantities...
> consume CAN 40
The eating/drinking felt Satisfying. I feel the remaining health challenge to be Severe. I could still eat 159, drink 0 and use 120 units of wisdom this year.
> consume MEAT 39
The eating/drinking felt Effective. I feel the remaining health challenge to be Severe. I could still eat 120, drink 0 and use 120 units of wisdom this year.
> consume CIG 40
The eating/drinking felt Satisfying. I feel the remaining health challenge to be Severe. I could still eat 120, drink 0 and use 80 units of wisdom this year.
# Hmm, finally something effective, though only with MEAT. I hope the remaining 3x 40 MEAT chunks will finally bring down that Severe to something milder. There's some room to play around with my wisdom, but I think my food strategy is now set for the coming 3 days.
# Ok, time to start of with a good meal.
> consume MEAT 40
The eating/drinking felt Effective. I feel the remaining health challenge to be Severe. I could still eat 80, drink 0 and use 80 units of wisdom this year.
# Still at severe, 80 of food and wisdom left. Maybe I just need to step up my quality; I'll consume FOIE in the coming days instead of MEAT. Wisdom is harder - CIG it is I guess.
# Ok, time to step it up. 40x FOIE
> consume FOIE 40
The eating/drinking felt Effective. I feel the remaining health challenge to be Severe. I could still eat 40, drink 0 and use 80 units of wisdom this year.
# Dang it. Still only Effective. Well, I got some room to play around with Wisdom but other than that I'm starting to run out of hope; although I could be closing in on the "lower" part of Severe.
# Still it's disappointing not to get any verbal improvement :D
!! November 29TH, 2015 - SUNDAY
# Time for the last touch, hopefully going down from Severe finally.
> consume FOIE 40
The eating/drinking felt Effective. I feel the remaining health challenge to be Severe. I could still eat 0, drink 0 and use 80 units of wisdom this year.
# No more eating then, time to be wise.
# Ok, my last chance. Time to smoke some COH, and consume my only AYA.
> consume AYA 1
The eating/drinking felt Satisfying. I feel the remaining health challenge to be Severe. I could still eat 0, drink 0 and use 79 units of wisdom this year.
# Satisfying?! Dang it, woulda thought that 10mil potion would've been at least "Effective" :S oh well. Let's try if a bunch of COH will fix things.
> consume COH 10
The eating/drinking felt Satisfying. I feel the remaining health challenge to be Severe. I could still eat 0, drink 0 and use 69 units of wisdom this year.
# Oh man, still only "Satisfying". I think I'll buy some cigars and then put my last hopes on a stack of 50 CAN.
> consume CIG 19
The eating/drinking felt Satisfying. I feel the remaining health challenge to be Severe. I could still eat 0, drink 0 and use 50 units of wisdom this year.
# Oh well, here goes the last set. 50 CAN or nothing, still sitting at Severe :(
> consume CAN 50
The eating/drinking felt Satisfying. I feel the remaining health challenge to be Severe. I could still eat 0, drink 0 and use 0 units of wisdom this year.
# And so ends the Health Challenge for Syksy. Starting from Severe, ending at Severe :/
Thus, as a summary;
I started with Severe, ended with Severe, and spent around ~30mil on the way trying to cure my way to healthiness.
I probably wasted some of the initial bonuses, and should've bought large quantities of wines and consumed them right away in at least quantities of 50, reading on how some people got rid of their Brutals/Severes.
Perhaps I had misunderstood something about the variety bonuses or that maybe the initial bonus only applied to item type (food/drink/wisdom) and not particular item ID. Or maybe there's something else I had fundamentally misunderstood. I got a lot "Effective"/"Satisfying" responses but in the end they were not enough. Oh well
VEG 20
CAN 30
W1613W 5
W1603 5
MEAD 100
W1609 1
W1612 1
W1608 1
W1600 1
W1611 1
W1602 1
W1602F 1
W1600M 1
W1613W 2
W1601 2
W1603A 1
W1603 1
W1604 1
W1601B 2
CAN 40
CIG 40
COH 10
CIG 19
CAN 50