Not being able to determine exactly whether or not the bittersweet envelopment of an heirless death would be welcome over spending that which would be considered seven years worth of wages for this lowly commoner, goin2mars quickly placed all his remaining stores of food and drink back on the market in an effort to return the harrowingly resplendent goods to the ostensible demon from which they came."Next year I'd be better off growing such barbarous niceties from land I've sowed myself rather than paying a quarter of my lifes wages just to carry on for another glorious year in the Kingdom." He remarked.
"For at least then I could rest satisfied knowing that I succumbed to my own shortcomings, limited knowledge and slightly advanced age, than ever considering some adventitious act of fate. Fate, it would seem to have pushed me into restoring all but five of the beautiful mushrooms I found on the market not more than a year ago, that I may recover from the ghastly loss."goin2mars shuddered as the thoughts of having to eat again next year ran circles through his mind. He found himself increasingly drawn to the idea of being able to seek respite in a house with a large plot of fertile land someday, rather than the cold barren nights wandering the kingdom aimlessly, without an animal (small game) in sight .
-health challenge was a lot of fun all, I'm looking forward to the next one, even if my character might be a little on the edge
. Thanks for all the nice work being done on ultima!
15618 Consume veg 24.11.15 40 goin2mars (111) New (5)
15619 Consume mead 24.11.15 40 goin2mars (111) New (5)
15620 Consume mead 24.11.15 40 goin2mars (111) New (5)
15621 Consume can 24.11.15 40 goin2mars (111) New (5)
15622 Consume can 24.11.15 40 goin2mars (111) New (5)
15623 Consume cig 24.11.15 5 goin2mars (111) New (5)
15624 Consume mus 24.11.15 5 goin2mars (111) New (5)
15626 Consume veg 24.11.15 40 goin2mars (111) New (5)
15631 Consume beer 24.11.15 40 goin2mars (111) New (5)
15632 Consume w1612 24.11.15 5 goin2mars (111) New (5)
15645 Consume mus 24.11.15 6 goin2mars (111) New (5)
15646 Consume can 24.11.15 50 goin2mars (111) New (5)
15647 Consume can 24.11.15 4 goin2mars (111) New (5)
15648 Consume beer 24.11.15 25 goin2mars (111) New (5)
15651 Consume meat 24.11.15 30 goin2mars (111) New (5)
15654 Consume cvs 24.11.15 5 goin2mars (111) New (5)
15657 Consume gin 24.11.15 5 goin2mars (111) New (5)
15673 Consume w1612 24.11.15 10 goin2mars (111) New (5)
15674 Consume cig 24.11.15 40 goin2mars (111) New (5)
15677 Consume foie 24.11.15 50 goin2mars (111) New (5)
15702 Consume w1608 24.11.15 30 goin2mars (111) New (5)
Challenge: severe
Result: You may still eat 0 units, drink 0 units and use 10 units of wisdom this year. Your remaining health challenge is None. Your overall health is Good