I just got started with Crypto Kingdom yesterday after checking out Syksy’s video. Even with the game being paused it has been a lot of fun to check out and I’m really enjoying exploring the various parts of the game.
My gaming background is all sorts of MUDs, Utopia, Travian, LoU, RPGs, etc, starting from 20 years back. I love how this game is combing RPGs with empire building and real investments through monero.
What I got to test out so far with the paused version has been buying and selling on the market, exploring the world map and getting items from the explore quests, buying and building land. Since I really enjoy the game I decided to make this post with some feedback, hopefully some of it is useful and still relevant with the new version of the game coming up.
Landing page.I didn’t sign up the first time I landed on CryptoKingdom.me as there is no information there about what the game is about. Some information and screenshots would have been really nice. I don’t like to sign up to stuff without knowing a least a little bit about what to expect. Just making this visible when logged out would be nice:
https://cryptokingdom.me/welcomeStarting out.A tiny quest line starting out would be nice, leading to making an XMR deposit near at the end maybe? I got the impression from reading the thread that part of the motivation for the game was to increase XMR usage. A link to some post explaining monero would be good too.
Deposit button.It’s kind of hard figuring out where to go to deposit. It would have been nice with a clearly visible button and also one for withdrawal showing how to go about doing that. I think most people are hesitant to deposit when they don’t know how to withdraw.
World map.It would have been really nice with a large map that shows everything and you can zoom in from there. Maybe there is one? I have not been able to find it, but just copy paste all the different parts of town into one page would do it
Buying land.It was a bit tricky figuring out how to do this. I guess that was because almost no land had an ask price. I got some land in the end and even managed to build an office on it, so it’s all good now
Viewing other players / Character profile.Is there any way to view other players? When I explore the land I can see who owns it, but can’t view their profile? I would love to see their profile, who they are, their titles, what other land they own, their fancy robe and swords, levels, etc.
Rankings.I love ranking lists. Who’s the richest, who has the biggest house, who has the best sword? I can sort the market, but having ranking lists would be awesome. There are just a ton of different ranking lists that could be made with all the data in the game. The list of who had the most culture when dying was kind of hard to find as well.
Chat.That chat is great
Good to have a link to the chatroom in the menu.
Anyways, I just joined the game so I’m sure I’m missing a lot of stuff, but this was just some initial thoughts. The game is awesome and one of a kind and I am excited to follow it moving forwards.
Another new player here. I was also turned on to this game by Syksy's video on Reddit. The past few days, I have been exploring and sitting in the IRC. As far as my gaming experience goes, its pretty all over the place. MUD's, FPS, MMORPG, MMORTS. I have never played anything remotely similar to this game, but am quite interested in learning. My first impression was that this game is going to have a steep learning curve (for me at least), so immediately I dove into the wiki. I understand it's a work in progress, but I wasn't able to get very much out of the new players guide. I wasn't really sure what I was even supposed to be doing. I ended up playing the lotraffle and exploring the map the first couple of days. I found a lot of the lands to be blacked out and the only way I was able to tell there was anything there was by the lot division option on the side. I think oyvka made a good point with an introductory quest or something to show the user the different facets of the game in the beginning as I'm still kind of unsure what I'm doing, but I am enjoying getting to explore the market and lands and learning about the history and economy. Anyways, that's my two cents. Just wanted to stop by and introduce myself and say hello.