A few new commands have been added fairly recently, so it's as good a time as any to hit the refresh button--I tend to forget them myself and need the
help command to remind me, so let's start there (I'll cover the first few here as many after that are for admin or market veterans):
help:gives you a list of commands.
consume: (consume/command+item_id+quantity; example "consume can 100") This is used to eat, drink, or destroy an item you own--we'll only worry about the eating and drinking. If you're a single player, you'll have to eat and drink to survive, so stocking up on items is a good idea as later you'll need to consume them--this is also a status symbol among the game's elite and shows that you not only recognize quality, but also that you aren't afraid to show it.
buy: (buy/command+item_id+max_quantity+max_price; example "buy ck 1000 9100") This is used to buy items in the game. Set your buy price and as those items become available, your order will be filled--if you're new to command line, try it with a few small items until you're comfortable with the process.
buysell: (buysell/command+item_id+max_quantity+buy_max_price+sell_min_price; example "buysell coh 10 445000 925000") This is used to set an a buy-order, which triggers a counter sell-order with the items you just purchased--fun stuff! Be wary of setting the units too high; AFAIK the entire buy-order needs to be filled to set the counter sell-order.
sell: (sell/command+item_id+max_quantity+min_price); example "sell IC 500 7600") Used to sell items with a user-set amount and minimum price--if you're new to market commands, it will sell into all bids set above your min-price and what orders aren't filled will become a standing order.
sellbuy: (sellbuy/command+item_id+max_quanity+sell_min_price+buy_min_price; example "sellbuy coh 11 655000 1100000") If you got the buysell command, you probably got this already, so I'll go a bit deeper into the use of this command: use it in conjunction with the other commands to control markets--this game is new, the markets are as tiny as a few rare items to as large as an entire economy made up of interlocking parts. In more general terms, it can be played by any level player. Twenty bucks and you can play market-maker, and if you plan well and take into consideration the risk/reward ratio of proven markets versus new markets, you can do well for yourself when the doors re-open for the consumable markets.