- People, both in Crimea and in the rest of Ukraine, want freedom and hate corruption.
0.1% of population (people on Maidan) vs. the rest 99.9%. Who the hell gives them a right to take down a government and replace it with the Nazi? Are they crazy? Why not use a constitutional court instead of this shit?
- Russia want Crimea (see WWI).
It's already Russian according to Kharkiv Pact. In the case of unilateral withdrawal, initiated by the Ukrainian side (which is a matter of time in case of Nazi government). It seems like they're just came back to collect some debts before that would happen.
Anyway, why not if Crimea people wanted the same.
dosen't sound me like the pact say that crimea is russian
I was laughing because you was speaking about laws like they have any real importance in a situation like that. I think they have not.
In case of Kosovo they are...
So I suppose that's good for trolling. Anyway, nazi coup shouldn't be allowed to function even if it will result with a war. There were enough victims during 1936-1945.
why are you citing kosovo? It's not recognized as a country by half of the world and recognized by the other half, although the international court sentenced that it's declaration of indipendence should be legal. As a result, it was devastated by war and genocides operated by the commuist milosevich, and now it's one of the poorest country of the region. Do you want this destiny for your country? War is bad.
I know by some sort of degree (one of my friend is a photograph and go there,
see some of his shots, they're amazing) that people in maidan square are not all nazis, most of them are not even politically oriented at all. And they're risking their life. I don't see people in crimea risking their life to stop nazi's abuses. Can you please explain me what kind of abuses or abusive laws are you talking about?
- USA don't want Crimea to be russian.
Actually there is a speculation that Yanukovich had a talk with China about selling some Crimean land for $15 billion... That's why all of this happened, I guess. USA and Russia don't want to have a chinese bases here.
U cannot "buy" land and put a military base on it. FUD
Pls, don't hate me too much. I only think that you are in the middle of a FUD "hate-spreading" propaganda operation operation, and i'm scared your country will face a lot of internal dissent or even war. You the people must ask for peace, the referendum has been claimed illegal by all the world except russia, it won't resolve anything.