Viruses (Covid, flu, hiv, common cold, measles......) do not exit, period.
The highest court in germany (Federal Supreme Court) ruled that measles virus does not exist. If measles does not exit, none exists.
"Virus" is a whole bunch of electrons joined/combined, disharmony in the body. Correct the impalace of electron and protons and you fine.
Oh come on, stop spreading this bullshit! The German Federal Supreme Court NEVER ruled that the measles virus does not exist nor will it ever say such utter bullshit.
You are refering to the case where Stefan Lanka pledged to pay 100.000 € to the one who sends him
one scientific paper proving the existence of the measles virus.
Here is an article about that case. Because it's in German I will sum it up quickly:
David Barden, a German doctor saw Lankas offer and sent him
six scientific papers that prove that measle exists. No wonder, Lanka refused to pay so Barden sued Lanka. Barden won the first trial at the District Court Ravensburg. The court ruled that Lanka has to pay the 100.000 € and said:
“The court had no doubt about the existence of the measles virus,”
Because Lanka did not accept this decision, the trial went on appeal to the Stuttgart Higher Regional Court. This time the court decided in Lanka's favour. But not because it questioned the existence of the measles virus! The official reason was:
"Die Auslobung verlangte die Vorlage einer Publikation. Vorgelegt wurden aber insgesamt sechs Publikationen. Der Wortlaut der Auslobung ist eindeutig - nicht sechs, sondern eine Publikation hätte vorgelegt werden müssen."
Which translates to:
"The call for entries required the submission of one publication. However, a total of six publications were submitted. The wording of the call is clear - not six, but one publication should have been submitted".
Furthermore the court in Stuttgart said:
"Das Preisausschreiben stellt damit einen Teil der vom Beklagten als Gegner der Masernvirusimpfung durchgeführten Kampagne dar. Ihm liegt erkennbar nicht daran, dass seine – ohnehin als unumstößlich dargestellte – Behauptung zur Nichtexistenz des Masernvirus widerlegt wird"
Which means:
"The contest is thus part of the campaign conducted by the defendant as an opponent of the measles virus vaccination. It is not apparent that the defendant is interested in refuting its claim - which is in any case presented as irrefutable - that the measles virus does not exist."
So the decision was purely a legal on, based on the wording of Lankas initial pledge and doesn't mean that the court believes the measle virus doesn't exist. Furthermore you said that the Federal Supreme Court was involved. That's also bullshit. The court in Stuttgart did not allow an appeal so the Federal Supreme Court wasn't even involved.
I don't know why I even argue with you, you are already too tangled in your fanatic belief of conspiracy theories. You should do yourself a favour. Move to remote cabin in the middle of the woods. There you won't have 5G that will melt your brain, no one will force you to get a flue shot, you will be out of reach of the government's mind control laser, you won't be in danger of falling off the edge of the world and even the surveillance-camera-pigeons won't find you there. Without all these things to worry about, you'll lead a long and light-hearted life.