I am running DigiByte Core version v3.0.2.1-g** (32bit)
It's been more than 6 hours, wallet is complainng it's ZERO hours behind to sync and it has never synced. Is it something the community is aware off? Or it's just me who is having issues.
No Firewall
No Anti Virus
Just and FYI, My wallet synced up fine 48hours ago.
Yes, you have to upgrade your wallet to 3.0.3 because on 10th december happened a hard fork. Links for wallets downloads are available on the 1st post of this thread.
Thanks for your suggestion. I upgraded wallet to 3.0.3.
Now, its been an hour, wallet is trying to synchronize and is 1 hour behind. Not syncing.
Do I need .conf?
I deleted all files under digi wallet except wallet.dat. Noe my DigiByte v3.0.3 is 48 weeks behind and syncing with network. I never expected this to happen to me with DigiByte.
I will update with status in couple of hours.
Do update us regarding the outcome.