1 - Why does the diff keep jumping all the time with DGB? I notice just now it was around 200, then straight to 1000 then back to 500?.
2 - When is the next halving for DGB?
3 - Are all 5 algos here to stay? I dont want to invest in a miner and find that a algo gets removed.
Difficulty jumps around because mining does. Sometimes people bring hired guns to the party and the hashing on any particular algorithm can double or even treble for periods.
Digibyte does not halve like bitcoin but continuously, new DigiByte production decreases by 1% every month.
I am not aware of any current plan to change any of the algorithms mining DigiByte but I am sure that if the devs and community felt it necessary, then this could happen.
Thanks Jumbley
Just want to let you know on the digibyte mining pool website I was keeping an eye on the hash rate was steady on all algos but the diff kept bouncing.
Is the diff moving because of other mining pools?
I got it now, its moving up based on each algo.
Thanks so much for the help, appreciate it.