Hello. I come from China. I saw this currency in the post bar, I would like to know how much production. 21 billion out how much, thank you
https://coinmarketcap.com/currencies/digibyte/Market Cap
3,781 BTC
Volume (24h)
96.59 BTC
Available Supply
7,395,258,031 DGB
Security: DigiByte uses five highly advanced cryptographic algorithms.
Speed: DigiByte transaction notifications occur in 1-3 seconds, blocks are discovered every thirty seconds and transactions are fully confirmed every 1 minutes. Future planned upgrades will make these times even faster.
Fees: Most DigiByte to DigiByte transactions are free or carry a very small network-mining fee to incentivize people to mine.
Worldwide: DigiBytes are already stored, traded and transacted in over 89 countries.
Decentralization: There is no need for a middleman or third party or central server.
Re-Spend: Send DigiBytes you received to someone else in as little as three minutes.
Finite Production: New DigiBytes are added to the network every thirty seconds through a process called mining as each new block (or grouping of transactions in a spreadsheet like format) is discovered by the network.
Scarcity: 21 Billion DigiBytes will be created in 21 years.
1% Monthly New Minting Reduction: New DigiByte production decreases 1% every month.
Mining: DigiByte mining is decentralized with five independent, highly secure mining algorithms.
Adaptable, innovative & flexible: DigiByte is constantly adding new features & services to remain on the cutting edge of digital currency technology.
Committed Development: DigiByte has been under constant, progressive development for over one year now with core development team members from all over the world.
Millennial Acquisition Potential: DigiByte provides merchants, banks & other legacy institutions with a new means of acquiring & connecting with tech savvy millennial users.
A Bright Future: DigiByte has many new & exciting projects underway to be released throughout 2015 to increase DigiByte utility and new user adoption across the globe
DigiByte vs. Bitcoin
Security: 5 DigiByte mining algorithms vs. 1 Bitcoin algorithm.
- DigiByte mining is much more decentralized.
- DigiByte mining algorithms can be changed out in the future to prevent centralization.
Speed: DigiByte transactions occur much faster that Bitcoin transactions.
- 1-3 second transaction notifications.
- 15 second DigiByte blocks vs. 10 minute Bitcoin blocks.
- DigiBytes are confirmed after 1 minutes vs. 1 hour with Bitcoins.
Transaction Volume: DigiByte can handle many more transactions per second.
- Bitcoin can only handle 7 transactions per second.
- DigiByte currently can handle 280+ transactions per second.
- The 2015 DigiSpeed hardfork introduced changes that double the capacity of the network every two years.
Total Supply: More DigiBytes, lower price, more micro transactions, better price stability.
- 21 billion DigiBytes will be created over 21 years.
- Only 21 million Bitcoin will be created over 140 years.
- 1:1000 ratio. 1 Bitcoin for every 1000 DigiBytes.
Flexibility: Ability to quickly add new features.
- DigiByte can add new features & upgrades much quicker than Bitcoin.
- Future DigiByte upgrades will push transaction limit to several thousand per second.
Marketability & Usability: DigiByte is an easy brand to market to consumers.
- DigiBytes are much cheaper to acquire.
- $1 - $10 long-term price target per DigiByte.
- Send 5 DigiBytes instead of 0.005 Bitcoin.