Am I rich yet? Am I rich yet? Why have you not made me rich yet Jared? (I know it is you that buys and sells all the dgb on the market)
This is a really shit coin, it hasn’t made me rich yet!
When is this coin going to make me rich?
Why can’t the price go really high so I can sell all the shit dgb that I don't have because its shit and I'm not a sheep and get rich? ……shit coin! Last week each DigiByte was worth $0.000058 more than it is today, the project had promise then even though its doomed because it is shit, now its really shit and Jared is liar and a paedophile, or something probably!
Maybe I can improve the situation and help some people out, save them from being scammed by telling everyone it’s shit! lol.
I’m such a funny guy, I write lol at the end of most my sentences so everyone knows it. lol
Can I be rich too ?