1) What is a block?
Block is a file where transaction data is permanently recorded.
2) What is a blockchain?
A block chain is a transaction database shared by all nodes participating in a system based on the Bitcoin (or other curency) protocol. A full copy of a currency's block
chain contains every transaction ever executed in the currency.
3) When was DigiByte launched?
January 10th, 2014, 12 PM MST.
3.1) What is a genesis block?
A genesis block is the first block of a block chain.
3.5) What was the news headline hashed into the DigiByte genesis block?
EUSA: today: 10/jan/2014, Target: Data stolen from up to 110m customers.
4) How fast are DigiByte block times?
15 seconds.
5) How many mining algorithms does DigiByte have?
6) Name all the DigiByte mining algorithms:
Sha256, Scrypt, Skein, Groestl & Qubit.
7) How many DigiBytes will be generated total?
21 Billion DGB.
How long will DigiBytes be generated for?
21 years.
9) How many DigiByte transactions can DGB currently handle?
DigiByte currently can handle 280-300+ transactions per second.
10) How many transactions can DGB handle by 2021?
2,240 TPS.
11) How many transactions can DGB handle by 2035?
286,720 TPS.
12) How many hard forks has DigiByte intentionally experienced?
4 hard forks.
13) Name all of the DigiByte hard fork release titles:
DigiShield Hardfork, MultiAlgo Hardfork, MultiShield Hardfork, DigiSpeed Hardfork
14) What is the DigiByte monthly reductions rate for how many DigiBytes are generated each month?
New DigiByte production decreases 1% every month.
15) How can documents be embedded in the DigiByte blockchain?
Using digusign service.
16) What is the command to reindex a DigiByte wallet on windows?
17) What is a DigiByte node?
Any PC that connects to the DigiByte network (USING SYNCED DGB WALLET, END INTERNET CONECTION) is called a node.
18) What is the command to reindex a DigiByte wallet on Mac OSX?
18.5) What is digibyted?
OSS deamon/client for DigiByte
19) What is an RPC command?
Remote procedure call (RPC) interface for various administrative tasks, wallet operations, and queries about network and block chain data.
20) What is digibyte.conf?
It is a configuration file with variosus data used for DGB wallet.
21) What is wallet.dat?
It is a file that contains a collection of private keys.
22) Where is wallet.dat stored on windows?
23) Where is wallet.dat stored on a mac?
$HOME/Library/Application Support/Digibyte/
24) What is the most useful RPC command?
25) What is a difficulty adjustment?
Difficulty is a measure of how difficult it is to find a hash below a given target time.
Network adjusts the difficulty automatically to ensure that a block is solved DGB around every 15 secodns.
26) What is OP_RETURN?
OP_RETURN is a script opcode used to mark a transaction output as invalid.
27) What is the difference between a full node an an SPV wallet?
Full nodes download every block and transaction and check them against COINS core consensus rules, SPV wallet (Simplfied Payment Verification)
is a method for verifying particular transactions were included in a block without downloading the entire block. The method is used by some lightweight Bitcoin clients.
28) What is a deterministic wallet?
Deterministic wallet is a system of deriving keys from a single starting point known as a seed.
The seed allows a user to easily back up and restore a wallet without needing any other information
and can in some cases allow the creation of public addresses without the knowledge of the private key.
29) Explain the difference between a public and private blockchain
A private blockchain is just like a public one when it comes to the distribute aspect of the data,multiple computers (nodes) are comneceted
through a protocol and they exchange transactions and help mentain a common ledger.
Unlike a public one the private blockchain is behind a firewall and can only be mined by computers that are on that network.
It is also generally used just within a company, behind their firewall and is only available to the emplyees and systems on that company.
You can say a public blockchain is a democracy where all the computers and organizations decide together where they are going and what changes to implement.
In a private one, there is generally a dictatorship because everything is owned by one company.
30) Explain the difference between a permissioned and permissionless blockchain
In order to contribute to the processing of transactions and have your ‘vote’ counted, you do not need a previous relationship with the ledger,
and your vote does not depend on having a prior identity of any kind within the ledger.
Transactions are validated and processed by those who are already recognized by the ledger.
Your vote counts proportionally against everyone else’s, based on the specific rules of the ledger.
31) Name three exchanges where people can buy DigiBytes:
Poloniex, Bittrex, Shapeshift
32) Name three places people can spend DigiBytes:
www.digibytemarket.comwww.bluejeansonline.nlhttps://digibytetip.com33) What is the current block reward?
Current reward is 1410 DGB per block.
1031 DGB