Where can I find that richlist ? ( ps, 10 BTC wall is on Cryptsy already at 62 Sat )
I didn't mean a literal, linked rich list like some other coins have.
However, doesn't mean a rich list doesn't exist... I meant, as implied.
Most know there currently isn't a rich list one can view, I wasn't implying there was one either, don't put words in my mouth I never said
Surely an order of this size would earn them a seat among the top Digi holders.
I'm sure we could make one from users in this thread alone.
One with more than a few million coins I would say would be is on the rich list.
Especially now, since it's so much harder to mine and buy for cheap.
Rich list starts at big cash investors, then followed by larger, vested miners.
There's a few who are over 100M (Early Adopters)
There's also a bunch over 10M (Second Wave)
Many are around 1M (New Wave)
It's like the world financial elite, just because you never see them, doesn't mean they don't exist.