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- gibt es nun wieder ein paar hochinteressante Updates!
Catalyst Fund 2 - Die GewinnerDie Gewinner des Catalyst Fund 2 stehen fest. Insgesamt können sich die Gewinner über jeweils 25.000$ in ADA freuen. Hier die Projekte:
PoolTool platform upgrade: This project aims to open up “avenues to build businesses and applications on Cardano that differentiate between stake pool operators by offering additional products.” This update is aimed at promoting infrastructure “diversity” across the Cardano ecosystem.
Ouroboros over RINA: Deploying a proof of concept (PoC) stake pool and relay solution of Ouroboros over RINA by using “Ethernet/WDM at two sites in Tokyo, Japan.”
Haskell/Plutus/Marlowe education: Developing educational material or content that aims to convey complex ideas and information in a structured manner, “supplemented with examples that inspire ideas.” This proposal aims to “make it easier for new developers and entrepreneurs.”
Create a message-signing standard: “Generating a message-signing standard to prove reserves, identity, and stake pool delegation. “
Liqwid: Cardano lending markets for decentralized finance or DeFi: Developing an open-source, non-custodial liquidity protocol to “earn interest on deposits and borrow assets on Cardano.”
Cardano for mobile (decentralized application) dApp developers: “Turning mobile platforms into the first-class citizens of the DApp world with mobile SDKs, mobile-first DApp experience and app store compatibility.”
GimbaLabs – starter kits and tools: GimbaLabs is a startup platform “providing free and open source APIs, lessons, and project-based learning resources to help people bring their ideas to life on Cardano and so drive adoption of the blockchain.”
Lovelace Academy for Marlowe and Plutus: Establishing an online academy “to attract, inspire and educate individuals and companies to create applications on Cardano’s smart contract and native assets platform.”
Sign Tx Arduino: Starting a library for code written in the C programming language that is “compatible with the Arduino development environment.” Sign local Cardano transactions in advance of smart contracts “being available to enable applications for the internet of things (IoT).”
Pet Registry DApp with ₳Pay: Helping developers “accept ADA payments on websites.” The Pet Registry DApp, built on ₳Pay, will “service a global audience in a cheaper, better way.” Devs are “inspired by successful apps and the tools needed to build them, By creating both, we can inspire and accelerate devs and their solutions.”
Japan Cardano Governance Association: Meetings & Communities & Podcasts: “supporting online/offline meetups, governance podcasts etc. for our Japanese community.”
Quelle Da sind schon ein paar richtig gute Ideen dabei. Allen voran natürlich Liqwid und die Öffnung Richtung IoT mit der Arduino-Umgebung. Aber auch die Möglichkeit, zukünftig mobile Anwendungen auf Cardano entwickeln zu können hat großes Potenzial.
Zeitgleich ist nun auch der Fund 3 gestartet, der Wert hat sich verdoppelt. IOHK schüttet also ganze 500k$ für die Projekte aus. Man kann übrigens auch wieder dafür (incentiviert) voten. Sobald das Voting startet gebe ich euch nochmal bescheid, wird rund um Mitte - Ende Februar sein.
Mary Hardfork - Native AssetsHier der relevante Ausschnitt der Ankündigung:
During the same, Hoskinson revealed that the Mary hard fork is coming in February, with the same promising to deliver “native multi-asset support” to the Cardano network.
The long-awaited functionality has been running on Cardano testnets for a while now and the Hard Fork Combinator (HFC) event is expected to see it moved over to the mainnet, along with the addition of infrastructure for the extended UTXO model.
Native assets on Cardano would be implemented in a way that eliminates the added complexity that is required by Ethereum for the same functionality. According to an IOHK blog, Ethereum requires custom code for user-defined tokens to be supported on the chain. This adds a layer of complexity, cost (gas is needed to pay for the execution of the code), and inefficiency since token code for both standards is replicated and adapted, rather than being part of the system itself.
QuelleDurch den Hard Fork Combinator sollte das Ganze auch problemlos über die Bühne gehen und wir - sowie auch die Exchanges - garnix davon mitbekommen. Charles wird nach dem Mary HF auch von Ivan on Tech interviewed werden, das bringt sicher jede Menge Aufmerksamkeit für Cardano.
DeFi on CardanoRichtung "DeFi on Cardano" gab es vorgestern von Liqwid - welches DeFi-Services auf Cardano bereitstellt - eine recht interessante Nachricht via Twitter:
Das wäre fast zu schön um wahr zu sein wenn das tatsächlich so kommt. Man bräuchte sich dann also nicht zwischen Staking und Liquidity-Farming entscheiden und kann von beidem profitieren.
Wer jetzt generell an Liqwid interessiert ist und wie das auf Cardano umgesetzt wird ... dafür gäbs hier ein recht gutes und kurzes Video von Kaizen Crypto:
Cardano DEFI Liqwid Finance, Social Interest, BlackRock, Bitcoin DominanceStaking Taxes in GermanyAuf Reddit wird aktuell auch die steuerliche Behandlung von Staking-Rewards betrachtet. Ev. ja für den Ein oder Anderen von euch interessant:
taking taxes in Germany - still not clear?