1. Does greater coin age increase the probability of that pile staking? I have two basic pile sizes. On the smaller end, those piles have not staked yet (wallet has been staking for just a few days). On the larger end, those piles have staked twice within a few hours of being deposited. So I'm wondering if the smaller piles gain weight as time goes on, or if it's just a pure lottery where odds of staking are a function only of pile size. Bottom line: it's clear pile size matters. Does pile age matter?
2. I see that when a pile stakes, it is split into two basically equal size piles. Is there an ideal pile size for staking? If so, will the wallet automatically maintain that pile size once reached, or would the user have to periodically manually consolidate piles to keep the odds of staking ideal?
3. This is more of a feature request, but record keeping would be made so much easier if the wallet transaction page had an "export to CSV" function.
4. When I hover over the activated staking indicator (green arrow), there is this message that says "your weight is xxx (equal to wallet balance), network weight is yyyy (something much larger)..." What exactly do those numbers mean? It seems to me that the network weight is a number far greater than the entire DNotes supply, yet my weight so far is just my coin balance.
5. What are the basic staking parameters for DNotes? How are things like coin balance, pile size, coin age (if applicable), desired APY, etc. all put together into the formula that governs staking?
I don't remember a part in the white paper that explains all this, and my questions are pretty technical. I've worked with a number of staking wallets to date and I'm trying to figure out how this one works.
For the staking related questions, one thing I want to clarify first. What are you reporting for your network weight?
3: There is! Click on File > Export from the transactions tab.
The reason I ask is.. your weight and the network weight should be the amount of coins currently staking and staking in total on the network. I'm reporting roughly 50 million staking on the network at a given time, which is 1/3 of the network or what I would expect.
I will go back to my team to verify but it should not matter the age or pile / input size. The size of the inputs and reaching maturity could be a factor, but I will verify.