What i was highlighting earlier was the scope & scale of a runaway govt out of control.
Something Americans seem to deliberately love turning away from so they can play dumb.
There really is no debate boys & girls..
Did you get a say when Obama ordered 2 custom Military choppers be made at Area 51 for around 50 million dollars ?
No.. you didn't !
Did American get permission to enter the Country and kill people on purpose then run & hide ?
The stealth choppers were specifically made for 1 purpose.
To fly low at night in the valleys low to the ground in Pakistan avoiding their Radar defense systems.
They admitted 100% they had no permission to enter the country.
Then the Americans have the audacity to strike a House kick in every door ASAP
and kill as ordered by Obama anyone that shows their face. (more than 1 guy was killed dead unarmed)
Then they murder Bin Laden in his underwear in his bedroom unarmed in front of his wife and a house full of little children with the million dollar assassination gear and high tech weapons.
Should i be surprised in 20 years when Bin Laden's kids are attacking USA / CAN ?
911 all flights are grounded in Canada.. YOUR BULLSHIT affects my daily life assholes !
It's like i am the guy at the bar with the loud mouth bully picking fights..
And then i have to get into fights all over the place for years because of the lippy cunt beside me.
Then to insult them all further they blew up a chopper on the property
..just down the road from a Military base of sorts.
Then they had to run away from scrambled Pakistani fighter jets ordered to intercept !
As cowards they flew back to their Aircraft carrier with their stolen body.
All on as Obama said on a 50/50 intelligence assessment. (they had no way to know he was even there)
Then to inflame the Muslims even more they disrespected the Muslim burial traditions
by chopping his head off and keeping it then throwing his dead body into the ocean.
Disrespectful ? You bet your damn ass it is !
Then you all have the gall to cheer like vulgar pigs !
There was a murder with out trial and we love it hooooray USA ! no 1 no 1 no 1
And you all flood the media with bickering over who deserves credit for it all.
American ? Justice ?
Fuck no.. bully's that pick a fight then get their ass kicked then go out and do revenge killings then chant about being murderous little hero's..
You sick fuckers have some nerve spouting off at all.
I have watched Americans pull shit for decades i live close to the border and have to hear all about it all the time.
That was just the tip of ice berg.. America is out of control and run by greedy blood thirsty power mad lunatics and the population turn a blind eye to it all then simply say well i didn't vote for Bush etc.
Live in a shithole country every one hates then accept responsibility for it.
Enough with this whole routine of blaming your govt.
America is not number 1 in anything.
You are delusional idiots.
The world hates you guys and does not trust you.
You think Russia or China trusts the USA after watching them invade countries like Hitler did ?
Blah blah blah make excuse roll out your army.. like the NAZI's did !
No wonder there was a cold war !
It's not just North Korea that wants Americans dead.
And rather than learning why you all just pour gas on the fire.
Pointless controlling war in the Middle East at 4 trillion of tax payers dollars spent ?
Who voted for that ?
Bush did.. by himself.
I think you Americans are largely out of touch with reality.
And of course Canada is not much different.. just on a far faaaaar smaller scale.
And of course i support women's rights (Taliban)
I am talking about a run away train of government that you all play dumb about or make excuses for !
I suggest you all get your shit together and fast.
AM i suggesting you vote for H. Clinton ? ..no.
I am saying Trump is OBVIOUSLY the worst possible guy to elect out of ANY candidate.
The fact he has gotten as far as he has is sickening to everyone on earth !
What you already did was shocking and vulgar to everyone.. you don't even need to elect him to have your reputation shit on.
Look around.. you think the USA is doing good ?
Let me know how that works out for ya guys.