There is a disconnect from what the People want and ask for from their govt.
vs what the USA govt does behind their peoples backs.
US soldiers fled to Canada for asylum some time after the Iraq war broke out guys.
Did you guys even read what i posted earlier ? (or heard it all over the place ?)
For fucks sake there was no WMD's and the UN denied the request to invade Iraq.
Yet you Americans simply rolled out your tanks & bombers anyway.
And later..
In the documentary i mentioned ALL the head generals that ran the war admitted
it was a HUGE mistake and all they did was fuck up the country and let Terrorists take over.
The actual US govt employees and Military said word for word they fucked up.
A 4 trillion dollar fuck up with lots of lives lost.
There is no argument to be had.. YOUR WRONG !
Your US govt is on a rampage now and for a long loooooong time.
It does what ever it wants with it's dozen 3 letter agencies on any foreign or domestic soil
..and has massive black budgets that you all turn a blind eye to.
You allow it all and worse, have the balls to defend your runaway govt's behavior !
Like that mouthy shit earlier that ran his mouth about our Prime Minister..
But what meddling is Canada doing compared to the shit the USA pulls 24/7 around the globe ?
I don't think you all even know..
Do you Americans have any clue how many military operations are executed on foreign soil pretty much daily ?
Pick a country.. ANY country !
And they are launched with or with out the countries permission (See my earlier comment about Pakistan)
..the whole fucking world !
How many American knew on 911 that they were ALREADY hunting Osama Bin Laden for 20 years
AND that they helped arm & fund him long ago to attack the Russians in Afghanistan ?
How many of you all knew Bill Clinton had ordered endless attacks and failed ?
How many of you knew Clinton ordered a couple hundred cruise missiles to strike a suspected Terrorist camp that had Bin Laden in it only to find out later he was not ?
Note: Bin Laden later commented on the attack claiming a lot of innocent people were killed.
Including some of his family (would YOU be pissed off if YOUR family members were murdered ?)
And i believe it too !
Pound a city with 200 cruise missiles then yeah there is going to be innocent casualties !
So did any of you know YOU WERE THE GOD DAMN BULLY on 911 ?
Fuck no !
Of course not.. you ALL played innocent victim and tried claiming "we did nothing"
When all you had done is hunt Bin Laden and try and assassinate him and his family / associates etc for a couple decades. he struck back at the bullies !
That my idiot friends is called BULLYING !
You did it Americans and you need to own up to it.
..and your CONSTANT meddling by military powers.
No matter who what where when or why Americans think they have the right to boot your door in and shoot you naked in bed in front of your kids.
Then they chant HOORAW !
And talk about how big a hero they are.
Expect the children in Bin Laden's house to be pissed off for the next 100 years dumb fucks.
Kinda funny you pulled out an armed Saddam Husein from a Hole in the ground
so he could be brought to trial yet you couldn't do it for Bin Laden.
Although Obama admitted it WAS an assassination mission.. there was to be no prisoners taken !
Americans get your rabid disgusting govt dogs on a leash.. Humanity is sick of your shit !
The "World Police" can fuck off !
And electing Trump is going to improve the situation ?