As Sana points out - to worship something other than one's own Creator is wrong.
In fact, dangerous and leads to evil.
Not sure if trolling...
But I'll bite..
Did you ask yourself this question:
How do I know who is my Creator? Who told me this? Do the ones who told me have an agenda? Is there any proof that my Creator even exists, or is it just something I'm told by people so often until I accepted it as a truth? No matter where you live, do you realize that your entire life is formed by your culture, the values and customs that exist where you live? Do you realize that if you were born somewhere else, you would have a different set of values, and living in an other culture, and having an entirely different view on life? So in reality, which religion you've been sucked into depends on were you're born basically.
It's a bit like chosing a TV-show, or supporting a soccer team, since you support a particular team, then it's 'the only right one'. And all other is shit. It's not a very mature attitude.
You state that to worship anything else than your own Creator is wrong and is dangerous and lead to evil, seems to indicate you're still stuck in the same mindset as those of the middle ages. The truth is that any opinion that you have about worshipping anything else than your Creator is dangerous and leading to evil, is an opinion made by humans. Most often such statements are outdated, and they're made to gather a certain amount of people in a certain religion. Fear is a powerful tool, and if you can control people's mind, you control people. In reality, the only thing to fear is fear itself.
Stating it would be dangerous and lead to evil to worship anything but your Creator is hillarious. I don't pray to a God. Every day I go outside my door, I can decide whether I want to be god or bad. There's no God influencing this choice. There's no God or Creator having copyrighted good actions.
Being a muslim, hindu, catholic, buddhist or whatever - it's the persons choice to be good or bad. All religions have their rotten eggs. Heck, there might be no difference between an atheist and a buddhist, an atheist can be an oustanding individual, doing a lot of good for himself and society, just like a buddhist could be a really bad person.
So no matter, if you chose to be a devoted muslim, a devoted christian or whatever, if you go alongside a road, and you see a basket with some kittens in it, that's left to die, its your choice whether you want to reach out and help them, or to just walk way not caring. It has nothing to do with your religion, it has all to do with you.
I never pray to God, but when I see a smal frog on the road, I take it up and put it in the ditch. Which probably makes me a good person in your eyes, as I'm saving it. On the other side, I often kill snails, which are invading the area where I live, this might make me evil in your eyes.
Point is that, evil or bad - we all have both of it in us, and we choose ourselves what we think shall prevail. A fundamentally good person, is fundamentally a good person, no matter which religion he belongs to or if he has no religion at all.