hi @DolleTeam ı m problem
Chain[J6] PIC temp offset=62,0,0,0,0,0,35,28
Chain[J6] chip[244] use PIC middle temp offset=0 typeID=55
New offset Chain[5] chip[244] local:8 remote:9 offset:27
Chain[J6] chip[244] get middle temp offset=27 typeID=55
Chain[J6] chip[136] use PIC middle temp offset=28 typeID=01
Warning: Chain[J6] has no temp offset in PIC! will fix it
New offset Chain[5] chip[244] local:8 remote:9 offset:27
Chain[J6] chip[244] get middle temp offset=27 typeID=55
Chain[J7] PIC temp offset=62,0,0,0,0,0,35,28
Chain[J7] chip[244] use PIC middle temp offset=0 typeID=55
New offset Chain[6] chip[244] local:7 remote:8 offset:27
Chain[J7] chip[244] get middle temp offset=27 typeID=55
Chain[J7] chip[136] use PIC middle temp offset=28 typeID=00
Warning: Chain[J7] has no temp offset in PIC! will fix it
New offset Chain[6] chip[244] local:7 remote:8 offset:27
Chain[J7] chip[244] get middle temp offset=27 typeID=55
Chain[J8] PIC temp offset=62,0,0,0,0,0,35,28
Chain[J8] chip[244] use PIC middle temp offset=0 typeID=55
New offset Chain[7] chip[244] local:7 remote:8 offset:27
Chain[J8] chip[244] get middle temp offset=27 typeID=55
Chain[J8] chip[136] use PIC middle temp offset=28 typeID=00
Warning: Chain[J8] has no temp offset in PIC! will fix it
New offset Chain[7] chip[244] local:7 remote:8 offset:27
Chain[J8] chip[244] get middle temp offset=27 typeID=55
Chain[J6] set working voltage=800 [245]
Chain[J7] set working voltage=800 [245]
Chain[J8] set working voltage=800 [245]
setStartTimePoint total_tv_start_sys=86 total_tv_end_sys=87
restartNum = 2 , auto-reinit enabled...
Fatal Error: Fan lost!
Fatal Error: Fan lost!
Fatal Error: Fan lost!
Fatal Error: Fan lost!
do read_temp_func once...
do check_asic_reg 0x08
get RT hashrate from Chain[5]: (asic index start from 1-63)
get RT hashrate from Chain[6]: (asic index start from 1-63)
get RT hashrate from Chain[7]: (asic index start from 1-63)
Check Chain[J6] ASIC RT error: (asic index start from 1-63)
Check Chain[J7] ASIC RT error: (asic index start from 1-63)
Check Chain[J8] ASIC RT error: (asic index start from 1-63)
Done check_asic_reg
do read temp on Chain[5]
Chain[5] Chip[62] TempTypeID=55 middle offset=27
read failed, old value: Chain[5] Chip[62] local Temp=13
read failed on Chain[5] Chip[62] middle Temp old value:16
Done read temp on Chain[5]
do read temp on Chain[6]
Chain[6] Chip[62] TempTypeID=55 middle offset=27
read failed, old value: Chain[6] Chip[62] local Temp=16
read failed on Chain[6] Chip[62] middle Temp old value:28
Done read temp on Chain[6]
do read temp on Chain[7]
Chain[7] Chip[62] TempTypeID=55 middle offset=27
read failed, old value: Chain[7] Chip[62] local Temp=11
read failed on Chain[7] Chip[62] middle Temp old value:11
Done read temp on Chain[7]
set FAN speed according to: temp_highest=28 temp_top1[PWM_T]=28 temp_top1[TEMP_POS_LOCAL]=16 temp_change=0 fix_fan_steps=0
read_temp_func Done!
CRC error counter=39
I'm oily cooling.My devices do not have a fan.What is the reason for not working ? Help me:) Have a nice day