Among the assets Devos Gang holds are a number of MUDgaard player-accounts, which are an asset for which we have yet to determine a reasonable value.
I have posted on the Hive blockchain and on Quora soliciting thoughts on how player-accounts should be priced or allocated; I hope you-all will take a moment to read and respond to the question.
Reproduction exists in MUDgaard, so at long last the arbitrary creation of characters "out of nothing" has been disabled.
Thus the two races of characters Devos Gang has been breeding (ogres and goblins) are no longer something any arbitrary player can suddenly come up with on their own; those who have none (which is everyone other than the Devos Gang) will need to convince the Devos to let them play one of their growing number of children if they want to deploy characters of those races.
Thus now not only do we need to come up with some "reasonable" system for determining allocation of player-accounts, we are in the character-breeding business; like in Axie Infinity, character breeding has become a potentially-significant part of the MUDgaard play-to-earn ecosystem.
Those players who were canny enough to secure player-accounts during the over a decade now that MUDgaard has been running are now in a position to leverage their holdings more powerfully than ever.
Securing of additional player-accounts will be under some pressure going forward from the demand created by character-breeding, as each player-account only supports ten characters (only five of which can be online simultaneously). Once an account is full, it will have no room for newly come of age children to become playable characters within the account of the parent or guardian they are following at the time of their coming-of-age.
See also
Just left my takes on the specifics in the comments section with quotations from a very thorough article of MarkM's vision in a Hive blog titled:
Maybe the Galactic Milieu CAN integrate non-'free open source' games afterall... [17 days old - sorry took me awhile, real life is a bit much right now!]
It's a great read and a wonderful plan. Pretty simple to understand if you've used tokens and played a game or two on chain by now . If you read the comments section below there's discussion with me and mark. Mark - I left a lot more detailed commentary on the rest of the article since your last response. I recommend everyone read - Mark's got a great idea how to make the core of our Devcoin metaverse he's crafted over the past 13 years relevant to the mainstream crypto gamers. Splinterlands (spoiler) is a VERY popular game in blockchain/web 3 p2e gaming!
I read it all and I like the concept of using the NFTs in a game with actual use cases. With that said, I don't quite get how all of it ties specifically into or helps DVC...