You see, a model that by its nature cant be seized nor taxed nor degraded nor directed influenced top-down.
The most thought provoking post I have seen in some time thank you l3552.
I am curious however just how money can keep its "names"? Are you envisioning a completely non anonymous distributed ledger?
If so in a world where the collective can and will use force against the individual I do not see how can keeping the "names" can be synonymous with non taxable or non seizable.
First you have to keep clearly in your mind what money is and its function in society. Think in terms of individuality but also in terms of group development safety and survive. Lets see the developments.
=First Round
A desires a box which is in possession of B.
A takes the box by force or deception, lessening B possessions and group safety.
A is punished, reassuring B and increasing group safety.
=Second Round
A desires a box which is in possession of B.
A offers B to trade his box for a necklace that he accepts.
A feels richer, B feels richer, increasing group total wealth and group safety.
From these first stages we see although property is related to individuality it has only meaning in a group.
=Third Round
A desires a box which is in possession of B.
A offers B to trade his box for defined job or good. He accepts.
A get the box and do the job, increasing group total wealth and group safety.
You see, a vocal contract just spawned based only on peer pressure and group safety. Already, how would you tax such transaction?
=Fourth Round
A desires a box which is in possession of B.
A offers B to trade his box for a paper in which he vows to build a fence to the holder by a date.
A get the box and B the paper because of A reputation, increasing group total wealth and safety.
Fiat money older brother just spawned and it is already based on debt and reputation. Also, we have to acknowledge on this that B, a holder, probably got the better deal, as he can wait, while A immediately got the box. Already, how would you tax such transaction?
So... the group merged with other groups and kept merging until it was almost impossible to track reputations. Peer pressure lost much of its force and by conclusion the community is weakening and total wealth decreasing.
=Fifth Round
A desires a box which is in possession of B.
A offers B to trade his box for a paper in which he vows to build a fence to the holder by a date,
insured by C rice.
A get the box and B the paper because of C reputation of having rice stocked, increasing community total wealth and safety.
Everybody loves rice. It is exclusive, rival and lacks qualitative differentiation so people started to make deals direct by rice as my rice is as good as any other. And from here to no perishables. From it to metals. From metals to certified(reputation) metals. From it to pure confidence... taxable pure confidence.
=Sixth Round
A desires a box which is in possession of B.
A offers B to trade his box for a paper in which the violence monopolist vows to not let anyone trade but by that way,
insured by his whip.
A get the box and B the paper because he do not want to be assaulted and because he knows that other people gonna have to accept it, increasing community total wealth and safety?
So the violence monopolist prints money out of fear and alienation and by the commodity nature taxes it.
I am not an expert CoinCube, but we saw together A being hit and punished by his treachery behavior on the First Round. The same A that repaired his morals and were trading goods and labor force by the Third Round. Yes, the same A that with an honest promise persuaded not only B but the whole group adding immense value by the Fourth Round, value enough, you know, to prevent civil war and starvation if we are lucky. And that is my bet.
If we can dump the commoditization of human awareness and solve the reputation problem that justified the violence monopolist to take his throne we can even go as far as Seventh Round... and by seventh Round... o My Holy Utopian Future...
What is loosely proposed here is good and urgent. It is a non anonymous truly distributed ledger of non commoditian cryptocredit insured by real people for other real people which reputations are tracked as their certification clubs... AMEM