We should mine this for a few days or weeks THEN someone write (preferably someone college educated) to fawks nus and tell them about it. Drumming up the finer points, ya know, free market and all that, then when it hits the air we will be sitting on $7k/rpc coins =D
Whether it be a few days or a week there are many huge issues that need to be corrected first and a robust infrastructure built before the floodgates are even cracked.
First and foremost a letter to Ron Paul on his opinion of using his name and likeness maybe?
If Ron Paul is personally ok with this coin I will gladly help as much as possible.
And please never hang your hat on a college education. If you look at the majority of the very largely successful entrepreneurs out there most do not have a college education and quite a few not even a highschool diploma. If you mean it needs to be clear, concise, grammatically correct and with no spelling errors then I say yes yes yes.
Well, we already know he isn't comfortable with some form of currency you can't hold, as per his previous statements on bitcoin, but he also said bitcoin has the potential to crash the USD, which the federal res may see as a threat, much like when possession of gold coins was made illegal. That was around the time.. the fed was established. So, we best tread carefully.
Between an iMac and 2 laptops, I am able to net about 90~ kH/s, but I am willing to mine this for a few weeks, instead of an autoswitching pool, as long as the support stays.