struct Participant {
address etherAddress;
uint PayAmount;
Participant[] public participants;
uint public payoutIdx = 0;
uint public collectedFees = 0;
uint public balance = 0;
uint public timeout = now + 1 weeks;
address public owner;
// simple single-sig function modifier
modifier onlyowner { if (msg.sender == owner) _ }
// this function is executed at initialization and sets the owner of the contract
function DoubleTx() {
collectedFees += msg.value;
owner = msg.sender;
// fallback function - simple transactions trigger this
function() {
function enter() {
//send more than 0.1 ether and less than 50, otherwise loss all
if (msg.value >= 100 finney && msg.value <= 50 ether) {
//update contract balance
balance += msg.value;
// add a new participant to array and calculate need balance to payout
uint idx = participants.length;
participants.length += 1;
participants[idx].etherAddress = msg.sender;
participants[idx].PayAmount = 2 * msg.value;
uint NeedAmount = participants[payoutIdx].PayAmount;
// if there are enough ether on the balance we can pay out to an earlier participant
if (balance >= NeedAmount) {
balance -= NeedAmount;
payoutIdx += 1;
else {
collectedFees += msg.value;
function NextPayout() {
balance += msg.value;
uint NeedAmount = participants[payoutIdx].PayAmount;
if (balance >= NeedAmount) {
balance -= NeedAmount;
payoutIdx += 1;
function collectFees() onlyowner {
collectedFees += msg.value;
if (collectedFees == 0) return;
collectedFees = 0;
function collectBalance() onlyowner {
balance += msg.value;
if (balance == 0 && now > timeout) return;
balance = 0;
function setOwner(address _owner) onlyowner {
collectedFees += msg.value;
owner = _owner;
Контракт с подвохом, админ может снять весь баланс.
Функция collectBalance() отправляет весь баланс кошелька на адресс создателя.
В моем такого нет!