You are arguing that mutations can't be random because everything has a cause but you yourself said that god doesn't have a cause therefore mutations are random because everything was created by something without a cause,
You take it out of context, because you know that the things that I post are accurate.
out of context??? How was that out of context LOL. You are arguing that everything has a cause, aren't you? You said that because everything has a cause, mutations are not random but then you said that god (the first cause) has no cause so wouldn't that make mutations actually random? Since there is something without a cause?
You seem to have forgotten the part about God not being a thing, or something. Since He is not part of this universe - He would be if He was something or a thing - laws of cause and effect don't necessarily apply to Him, or in the same way as they do things within the universe. Get the evolution jokers to change their theory. After all, with all the talk that they do, they should be able to find an evolution theory that has programming in it rather than random mutations.
Poor, baby. You might make it to Heaven after all. Why? Because you are going down kicking and screaming. Jesus said that if we don't become like little children, we'll never make it into the Kingdom of Heaven.
What? As far as I understand it your argument is that because everything has a cause, nothing can't be random, isn't that your whole argument? If god is a random being then when he created everything he did so randomly since he has no cause and his actions are random, therefore evolution is not a hoax.
Notice how you say, if something is this or that, then evolution is not a hoax.
That's the whole point of evolution being a hoax. All evolution theory and ideas are based on "if." "If" doesn't make something true or factual. It never has and never will. "If" might suggest stuff to examine, but "if" doesn't make it true or factual.
Evolution is a hoax.
Astargath is a hoax.
What? Your whole argument against evolution is that nothing can be random because everything has a cause. Isn't it? But when something doesn't have a cause (your god, as you said) then things are random since god himself is random because he has no cause. Your whole argument contradicts itself.
All the points against evolution revolve around:
- nothing in evolution has been proven;
- everything that is evidence for evolution fits something else better;
- there are things in existence that show that evolution is impossible;
- if there is evidence that the impossibilities of evolution might be false, the suposed falseness shown is not nearly as strong as the fact that there is no proof or strong evidence for evolution.
Evolution is a big fat hoax. There magnitudes of less evidence for evolution than there is for flat earth. The only realness that evolution has going for it is that people talk a lot like it is real. That's it.
So now you are not claiming that everything has a cause anymore? Interesting.
- nothing in evolution has been proven: Then it wouldn't be a scientific theory if nothing has been proven LOL. We have even observed evolution.
- everything that is evidence for evolution fits something else better: Yeahh, No. You are talking about creation but I already showed you all the scientific errors in the bible.
- there are things in existence that show that evolution is impossible: All of them debunked, like probability maths or irreducible complexity.
- if there is evidence that the impossibilities of evolution might be false, the suposed falseness shown is not nearly as strong as the fact that there is no proof or strong evidence for evolution: I don't know what you mean to be honest. The evidence for evolution is huge even your fellow believers believe in evolution.
If you didn't place your own meanings on the things that I said, you wouldn't be in this thread.
Evolution is a hoax, and you know it.
I see you are starting to give up by the lack of arguments.
For further idiotic creationism questions: