There is no scientific field that says everything has a cause or that it's impossible to have something without a cause, you are literally just making shit up.
Do your own research.
Evolution is a hoax. Why? Because the main premise upon which evolution is based hasn't been found anywhere. There is no factual non-C&E event anywhere that we know of. So-called evolution is programming via cause and effect. The Programmer is God.
Evolution is a hoax.
Yeah you are just trolling now, no point in still arguing. I already showed you my research, you are the one who never linked a single scientific article or scientist that has proved or even said that everything has a cause. Get out of here. You are just shitposting now.
There is no proof for non-C&E mutations anywhere. All mutations are the effects of one or more causes. They are not really random. Do you have proof of even one non-C&E action, to say nothing of a non-C&E mutation? Show us where if you have one. No random mutation = no evolution. All guesswork, or at best, wrong optimism.
Evolution is a hoax.
Quantum processes are random, evolution is real.
Blah, blah, blah. Quantum processes are NOT random.
Evolution is a hoax.
EDIT: What you need to understand about simple random as defined in the dictionary, is that cause and effect permeates this random. It is only called random, because people are to "weak" to discern the C&E involved. What this shows us is that random is not really random. Rather, random is programmed by C&E just like everything else.
Find us some pure random that is not programmed by C&E. Quantum is simply detailed, complex dictionary random... which is C&E programmed like everything else.
Yes they are, all science shows they are random, no one has ever been able to present a hypothesis that would explain their cause.
'' It is only called random, because people are to "weak" to discern the C&E involved. '' Then you wouldn't mind proving all science wrong and show them what the cause is, right? Oh wait you can't, you are a fraud that makes shit up to fit your delusional views of the world.
Quantum processes are random, there is nothing in science that says something cannot be random and there is nothing in science that says everything is random.
Evolution is real, you are a dishonest liar and you know it.