Whatever caused the universe, caused everything.
This means that everything has a cause.
Random mutations in evolution are mutations without causes. If they had causes, they wouldn't be random.
Because of cause, there is no randomness, even though we often think that there is, because our abilities are too weak to determine the cause.
Evolution doesn't exist.
Any good scientists understands the points of this post, yet many of them still promote evolution.
Evolution is a hoax.
And what happens to the cause of the cause of the universe?
IF the cause has a cause or not, questions about it are way beyond the scope of evolution being a hoax or not. Can you show what this has to do with evolution, considering that evolution theory doesn't really go this deep?
Evolution is a hoax.
You are the one who said evolution is not true because everything has a cause, which you cannot prove, so if everything doesn't have a cause, by your own logic you should admit evolution is real, no?
Since you believe everything has at least big bang as its cause, you are at odds with yourself when you attempt to believe evolution is real at the same time. Sounds like religion in the craziest form.
Evolution is a hoax.
The big bang is not a sentient being nor a programmer, so if you agree that the big bang created the universe, then evolution should be perfectly real.
If BB is real, then evolution is not. They don't match each other's dynamics.
There is literally no one that has ever argued that, no one but you. How does bb contradict evolution?
What? No reply? How can that be? Unbelievable.
Okay. Okay. Just for you guys.
Let's forget for a moment that there are at least 3 BB theories, none of which works with, or could fit into, a universe caused by any of the others. Let's make believe that BB is true and factual.
In this scenario - BB is real - what is there that is not caused by the BB? The universe encompasses everything that exists, right? So, if BB caused the universe, then BB caused everything that exists, right? This means that everything has at least BB as its cause, if not some other thing that BB caused. BB is silly enough all by itself. It doesn't need somebody entering non-caused effects into it. Doing that would completely blow BB out of the theory waters, and sink it out of sight... bye-bye BB.
So, since BB caused everything (in our imaginary scenario, here), how can there be random mutations? We call evolution mutations random, because the whole idea is that they don't have a cause. But that can't be. It flies in the face of BB having caused everything. If this is our thinking, then one of them is wrong... BB or evolution.
But if we call evolution mutations random, knowing that they are not spontaneous, but rather because we don't understand the cause(s), then the whole of evolution theory has to be tweaked big time to change the wording of the random mutations to something programmed in by BB - or programmed by something that came before BB. This programming is shown by cause and effect acting according to the laws of physics.
So, which of the two do you want?
1. BB and evolution are mutually exclusive, so let's throw both of them out, or;
2. Throw evolution out because in reality, it can't match its theory.
A third possibility is to postulate a new BB theory, where BB has caused the universe to constantly spout spontaneous "stuff" so that something might produce real random mutations... just so that current evolution theory might fit.
Any way we turn with this, the whole thing is so messed up that we might as well throw the whole thing out and start over. All of this shows two major things:
1. We don't really have a handle on what is going on in the universe, including evolution;
2. The idea of God is starting to look more attractive, even without the proof that He exists.
What if nobody said this stuff before? Does it make sense or not? Are you going to hang onto being mixed up because you have religious loyalty? Because science doesn't have it. I just showed why?
This is an evolution topic. If it were a BB and evolution topic, then we could say that both BB and evolution were hoaxes. But since it is only an evolution topic, all we can say is...
Evolution is a hoax.
Let me just start again for our friend badecker and his delusion. First of all there's no such thing as a law of cause and effect. There may indeed always be a cause for anything and everything that has or ever will come into existence, including whatever came into existence at the Big Bang event , but that cause isn't always evident. Some quantum physicists would in fact claim that there are uncaused things like radioactive decay, which I told you 20 times about. Our Universe could be one of many. There could be parallel universes or even a postulated Multiverse or Megaverse.
The cause of the Big Bang event was something prior to the Big Bang event. If the Universe had a cause then that cause was obviously pre-Universe or before the Big Bang event. We can't observe or measure anything prior to the Big Bang event. It could be that our Universe popped into existence from within a larger Cosmos. If you argue that ''god'' created the universe and he doesn't need a cause then you are essentially proving my point, you are proving that there are things without a cause and if god has no cause then it means everything is random.