The entire world believes in evolution, save for the one soul that somehow knows better than everyone...
BD, pull your head out of the sand and experience reality.
You are so funny. That we know of, the world isn't sentient. It doesn't believe or not believe anything.
Put on the coffee so you can wake up and smell it.
What you don't understand is that although mutations have causes it doesn't mean the causes are there on purpose to create what they created. There is nothing that suggests the cause of a mutation was set in place by a god, it's just a cause that was caused by another cause and so on.
What you don't seem to understand is that mutations cause by lab work are not in the same category as those caused in nature, and neither of them are in the same category of those caused by evolution theory methods. In other words, until we actually find a natural beneficial mutation that is not a simple change programmed into nature, evolution belongs to the realm of science fiction, or hoax, depending on who the perpetrator of it is.
So lab environments are excluded from nature now? Cool, I'll just walk into a lab and expect gravity to stop functioning, because ya know, it's only a theory.
You go right ahead and do that. And if you ever understand what is being expressed in this topic, you can come back out into reality.