Let me give another insight on the cause and effect argument since that's his only argument, all the others have been dismissed already. ''everything has a cause'' is not a factual statement and it is not known to be factual. Badecker only likes things that are factual, right? He keeps saying evolution theory is a theory not a fact. ''Everything has a cause'' is not a fact either and you can't prove everything has a cause, in fact some physicists would argue that some things may not have a cause. There are also arguments that show something that has an infinite cause because the effect is the cause. Either way, we do not know whether everything has a cause or not so that's wrong.
Let me give a little insight on cause and effect vs. evolution.
C&E is found in millions or billions or trillions of operations that we know of. If there is an operation wherein we haven't found C&E, nothing else has been found in that operation, either. This means that it's C&E, or we don't know, but the gigantically overwhelming evidence is for C&E.
Evolution is exactly the opposite. Close to 100% of the operations attributed to evolution have never been
actually observed as part of the evolution process. There is all kinds of circumstantial evidence that is loudly proclaimed. But there is only a tiny amount of actually-been-seen evidence. This means that the few observed operations that have been attributed to evolution, are little islands of evolution, which makes them far more liable to be part of some operation other than evolution.
This all means that a little, teensy-eensy evolution idea, is bucking overwhelming humongous C&E that says that evolution is something entirely different than evolutionists suggest. To put this into perspective, the odds that evolution could exist would be like a goldfish swimming up Victoria Falls in Zambia. It would like having a standard lottery drawing of millions of entries, with all the participants full winners.
Close to 100% of evolution is simply a science fiction story. All of the 100% of C&E that has been observed is humongous. The little bit of evolution that seems to truly be evolution, still has C&E behind it, making it to be something entirely different than the evolution that evolutionists are proclaiming.
In addition, no other points against evolution have been dismissed. Volumes have been filled with real reasons why evolution is false. Let's get to the point, and dismiss evolution as the science fiction that it is. But since the science fiction known as evolution is being touted as fact by those who know otherwise, evolution is a big, fat hoax.