Study entropy. The simplest way to describe entropy is the breaking down of complexity into simplicity. Entropy doesn't allow evolution over the long term to occur. In fact, entropy suggests devolution.
The reason we don't have any factual example of evolution is not because of its nature. Rather, it's because there isn't any evolution. All the talk of evolution is simply talk. When you add the rest of science to the science of evolution, you can easily see that evolution is impossible.
You are being played. Evolution is a hoax.
''Entropy doesn't allow evolution over the long term to occur.'' Badecker has alzheimer's or an IQ below 70, maybe both.
The theory of evolution does not contradict any known laws of physics. I have showed you this like 40 times before, of course your brain doesn't work normally.
Entropy doesn't contradict the Second Law of Thermodynamics. The fact that energy and matter remain without being lost, doesn't have anything to do with the form in which they exist. Entropy is simply the breaking down of the complexity of the form. It's all still there. It simply is less complex. There is nothing in nature that shows the opposite.
In addition, cause and effect, which is upheld by Newton's 3rd Law, shows that everything is programmed. Programmed mutations that cause evolution are not the evolution of evolution theory. ETE mutations have to be random and un-programmed.
Now, I can understand your inability to explain what you say... because there isn't any explanation for what you say. And, it's the major reason for not having found even one factual piece of evolution theory evolution, although countless billions or trillions of pieces should be available to make life what it is in the world today. So, why keep on maintaining the evolution fable?
Evolution is a hoax.
''Entropy doesn't contradict the Second Law of Thermodynamics.'' ?
The second law of thermodynamics states that the total entropy of an isolated system can never decrease over time. The Earth is not a thermally isolated system because it receives constant energy from the Sun. This is the energy fixed by plants using photosynthesis, which is then acquired by herbivores that eat the plants and carnivores that eat the herbivores. It is certainly true that without this constant addition of energy to the Earth’s system, life would be impossible, but fortunately for us, the radiation we receive is like the constant motivation for the youngster to keep his or her room tidy. The second law of thermodynamics simply cannot be used the way the anti-evolutionists try to use it.
You are wrong.
''cause and effect, which is upheld by Newton's 3rd Law, shows that everything is programmed.'' No it doesn't.'s_3rd_Law
Where does it say that everything is programmed?
Wrong again, as usual, I already showed you this dozens of times.
All you manage to do is show that you are deceptive. Google "universal entropy." You will find that entropy is not a diminishing of matter/energy, but that it simply has to do with the way matter/energy exists. At best, we don't understand what could possibly stop entropy.
Regarding Newton's 3rd Law, from the site you posted, "To every action there is always opposed an equal reaction: or the mutual actions of two bodies upon each other are always equal, and directed to contrary parts."
Did you catch the little word "always?" It works like this: "action" > "always" > "reaction." What causes the reaction? The action... always. C&E in everything. It doesn't say only in big things. It doesn't say only in small things. It says always.
Whoever or Whatever started C&E was the programmer of the universe. Programming cancels random by definition, and shows us what random really is. Random is really our inability to know or understand the whole process. But in our case, we barely know any of the process. How do we know that we barely know any of the process? We attempt to believe in evolution, even when we are shown that it can't exist in any way that we can come up with, and also when we can't find even one factual example of it having occurred.
Evolution is a hoax.
"action" > "always" > "reaction." What causes the reaction? rofl smart ass, what causes the action?
And this shows evolution is impossible how?