...then your idea is that it will be unfair to give an automatic entry for, lets say Madagascar, because they arent good at football and will never qualify? But Madagascar will never host a World Cup.
Madagascar are as much a footballing nation like Qatar and they hosted a world cup just recently. Any club that has a footballing national team and have the budget can bid to host a world cup, FIFA does not pick by which country is better at playing football, but which they stand to gain financially from.
Co hosting has happened only once before in the 2002 World Cup, so we do not have enough data to know its effect on the tournament when those teams get automatic entry. In this case the United States and Mexico, with Mexico appearing in all World cups since 1994 consecutively. The odds will be in their favor to qualify without the automatic entry.
Canada is the team which has not frequented the competition, only appearing twice before now, but it still does not pose a problem yet.
...Imho, in one day 10 countries gonna co-host a cup, I will have nothing against it, because I am 1000% sure these countries (that get auto entry) gonna perform well in the tournament.
That will be a very problematic situation.
- Jay -